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 Redwing App

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Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-08-20
Age : 28

Redwing App Empty
PostSubject: Redwing App   Redwing App EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 9:21 am

Steam name:Kornios

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18020880

How long have you been with the community?: Since launch of the server

Have you had past experience as a M.P.F
From Taco N Banana [Serious server...very serious..]

Why do you want to join the Metropolice Force?
Because I want to keep the city limits safe from theses rebel scum's who thing they are doing any better when they are just doing our lifes worse and worse.

Character Backstory:
Samuel lived his first years somewhere in Europe, In his younger years he didn't really have many friends, He just stayed at home most of the time with his mother, His father never was around the house, His father worked as an police officer.

5 Years later a police officer knocked on the door at his home and wanted to speak to his mom,... His dad had died of some rebels in the rebellion that happen'd in his hometown, He did not understand how people could kill police officers like that.

The 7 hour war.
When the 7 hour war happens Samuel and his mom get picked up by some army soldiers, They try to evac as many people as they can.
But when the truck is somewhat outside the town there comes an airships and shoots the truck and the driver loses control and crashes.
He survives with minor damage on his body, He sees some soldier fight outside the crashed truck (as he is inside the truck) They try to fight off the enemy soldiers (combines), He sees his mothers body next to him, She's dead...
When he thinks all is safe...He crawls outside of the crashed truck and hears the gun sounds in the distance, He runs to the forest near him...He sleeps there for the night...scared and alone...

Some days later he moved to the city to see if the soldiers had hold them off...but he made a big mistake...the town was like a ghost town, He went inside his old house and took what what in of it was a picture of his dad...When he goes outside again he sees a big figure, It knocked him down.

Present Time.
He wakes up in City 18 and doesn't remember anything but when he looks at his pocket he sees a picture of his dad, And he just remembers that his dad worked as an police officer was killed by a rebel when he was helping and saving the future of others...That is what Samuel is going to do.

These are some codes and terms you will be using on a daily basis. Please fill them out:

Anti-citizen: Involved with anti-citizen of dangerous nature.
Inject: after Amputet
Malignant: Talking about malignant activities with a group of people. (CAUTION: RIOT MAY OCCUR)
Administer: Meaning that you must supervise something or someone
Breach: Act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
Stabilize: Under the influence or abusing a substance.
Amputate:Zero cooperation with a unit(s).

[I did not understand these "Roleplay examples" But I know how to roleplay right !
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Posts : 46
Join date : 2011-08-19
Age : 29
Location : Denmark

Redwing App Empty
PostSubject: Re: Redwing App   Redwing App EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 8:19 am


Nice app, but i think you should add some more Information.
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Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-08-20

Redwing App Empty
PostSubject: Redwing Have funn   Redwing App EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 8:27 am

Redwing I know you will be acceptet God has bless you XD Very Happy
Have a Nice Gamming Spot ther
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Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-08-20

Redwing App Empty
PostSubject: Re: Redwing App   Redwing App EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 8:27 am

Redwing I know you will be acceptet God has bless you XD Very Happy
Have a Nice Gamming Spot ther
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Posts : 27
Join date : 2011-09-27
Age : 27
Location : Great Brit-Brit-Britain!

Redwing App Empty
PostSubject: Re: Redwing App   Redwing App EmptyTue Sep 27, 2011 3:28 am

I quite like it, it's sweet, but I enjoy a long app to read. And yeah, you will probably get through, but I think I will give you a big [b]SUPPORT!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Redwing App   Redwing App Empty

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