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 [Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication

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[Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication Empty
PostSubject: [Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication   [Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 4:17 am

Steam name: LR•Tuvia•

Steam ID: STEAM_0026812711

How long have you been with the community: For two weeks now.

Have you had past experience as a Vortigaunt before: Yess..

Why do you want to join the Vortigaunt Aliens: I always liked the way how the ''Vortigaunts'' were behaving and I would like to be part of there race now.

Character Backstory(3 Paragraphs At least):

The Xenotherium subservilia landing on earth
''My home...My World Is destroyed..My natal planed Invaded by the Combine..My race is serving them ''The Combine''.
When my brothers and sisters landed on earth we had to find a new place to live.
When we found a big dessert our landing object crashed into the sand,we took the parts of the object and found a cave where we could make our ''New Home''.
Many days we did nothing else then sitting and waiting for any signal from our ''Fleet'', Days became months,Months became years..
I decided to go ..To find any life around the planet known as the earth where the Human beings ruled everything..Or didn't they

The Combine invasion
When I walked on the Mountain knowned as the ''Rocky mountain'' is saw big steel objects in the distance..Big steel buildings..
I reached a place named Denver,I hided for days in a cave in the forrest and then..The earth shook, It were they ''The Combine'' came to invade this planet.
Fast metal flying objects tried to shoot the Combine fleet down but with no succes..I saw how the ''cities'' became Invaded by the combine and how many of them got bombed and destroyed..
Giant walls surrounded the cities no body could escape it without the Combine knowing it.
One day it was raining and a group of human beings came across the woods..My cave was there destination, I tought it was the Combine,I electrocuted one human being,They tried to kill me with there Flashing metal objects,It was strange they didn't hurt me that much as the Combine weapons did..No plasma pulse came out of it only Little objects called ''Bullets''.
After a few hours I did understand what they spoke for language they called it ''English''.
I told what I was and who I was..''My name is '' Skara'di'ra '' I told how I could make a electric energy orb with my hands ''I am tapestry woven of Vortessence. It is the same for you if only you would see it''.
I became a part of there group ''The Resistance''...

I helped the human beings with everything they asked,They where going out for missions I was sitting there and repaired there ''Weapons'' in the cave.
One night..Big Combine drop ships flew over the forrest and dropped The Hunter troopers, Those Hunters were progammed for Finding and taking out the Human beings,They atacked our cave and almost all the Humans were killed by the plasma bullets that came out the known '''Hunters''.
I escaped and called my Brothers and sisters with my Vortisence..Nobody respond, I escaped and found a city known as City 45 where my new live started.

City 45
I found my way into the City 45 and lived my life in the slums, Sometimes I heared the ''Weapons'' from the Combine and the metalic woman voice far away. One day a group of men found me in a warehouse and they said: ''You my fellow creature, You're part of this Community now, We the rebel's fom City 45 will accompany you and you will us.
Now I repair there weapons,And heal there body's and fight the Combine when they do there patrols.
My name is known as ''Skara'di'ra'' I'm a Vortigaunt and work with the Human beings to fight the Combine and I have dreamed of this moment to work together with the Humans...

RolePlay examples:
Combine patrol
**Skara'di'ra says: The Combine will pay in kind for their depravity my fellow race.
John Knavist says: I know ..I know my friend,Let's continue our Patrol trough the slums.
**Skara'di'ra says: Yes Human Knavist, Let's continue our Search for trouble
John Knavist looks at Skara'di'ra with a strange glance in his eyes
**Skara'di'ra says: Wait human Knavist, I hear them..Combine behind the cornerr
John Knavist takes out his MP7 and starts to reload it
**Skara'di'ra says: Wait till I give you my signal,Human Knavist..Wait here and get ready.
Skara'di'ra jumps on the building and makes a electric orb ready to fire
**Skara'di'ra Yells: Taaar..Knavist..Taaar!
John Knavist looks behind the wall and fires his MP7 on the three MPF units
MPF-03-NOVA.12456 takes cover and tries to reach is Radio
Skara'di'ra fires his electric orb on the three MPF units and yells: Chur lung gong chella gurr combine..Beings
John Knavist yells: They are down, My friend we made it!
Skara'di'ra jumps down next to John Knavist
**Skara'di'ra says: Yes my Human friend,The Combine will pay in kind for their depravity in any way.

[Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication T8sv2e

I hope this is enough and that I get accepted Smile

Last edited by Tuvia on Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2011-10-02
Location : England

[Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication   [Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication EmptyFri Oct 07, 2011 6:07 am

I loved it!
Very nice use of vocab there, probably one of the best Vort app's i've seen in a while.
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[Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication   [Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication EmptyFri Oct 07, 2011 12:59 pm

That'll do pig, That'll do. +Support.
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[Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication   [Accepeted]Tuvia's Vortigaunt λpplication EmptySun Oct 09, 2011 4:00 am

Good Application, good with supports so ill let you try it out.

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