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 Server and News.

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Posts : 46
Join date : 2011-08-19
Age : 29
Location : Denmark

Server and News. Empty
PostSubject: Server and News.   Server and News. EmptyMon Sep 26, 2011 5:53 am

Okay so guys, Prp have just started again with hl2rp fully modified with new classes and everything but we have one problem. The server is a home host so we will first run 24/7 when we get money back Smile


*MPF Recon Class
*MPF Engineer Class

*Anti-Citizen Class
*Vortigaunt Class
*Slave Vortigaunt Class
*Combine Officer Class

*Combine Sniper


VIP: We have now added a VIP Class for donators with several admin commands like Kick player.

Resistance: Resistance are not opened yet we will have to get a populated and 24/7 Server for that Smile

Thats all for now, Enjoy your stay here at the Prototype Roleplay, Please invite your friends and join our steam group Wink
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