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 Hello, I am Summoner31st :D

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Posts : 27
Join date : 2011-09-27
Age : 27
Location : Great Brit-Brit-Britain!

Hello, I am Summoner31st :D Empty
PostSubject: Hello, I am Summoner31st :D   Hello, I am Summoner31st :D EmptyTue Sep 27, 2011 3:24 am

Hello, I am summoner31st, I am an RCT in game, and at the moment I will soon join the union division, I also use to co-own a hl2rp server, known as energy gaming (ran by 8 year old that was like hey, im an idiot!) so I decided to quit, oh and, recently I got banned for a year on Alien Cow gaming, and that is owned by a complete offical retard, and wanna' know why I was banned, because I said to him, type in .// for ooc things, then he said stfu (in IC chat) your just a noob, i mean you are failing OTA rp, so then I was kicked, even tho- Hang on, sorry, I am getting abit dragged away from introducing my self, but atm, I think this of bullshit alien cow gaming. Evil or Very Mad
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Hello, I am Summoner31st :D
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