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 Tuvia's Idea.

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Posts : 24
Join date : 2011-10-02
Age : 29
Location : The Netherlands

Tuvia's Idea. Empty
PostSubject: Tuvia's Idea.   Tuvia's Idea. EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 5:48 am

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To all Unit's,

The City is under attack,We got a Level 3 Necrotic outbreak reported.
You need to report yourself immediately at the Plaza for Instructions...


MPF-SeC-City45.45678 radio's in: Overwatch advice...We need immediate air-support, Necrotic outbreak reported

Well it's just like: if there are +5 Citizen's and 5+ MPF/CCA units on you can do this event.
It's not for Rebel's because they can have fun the whole day...
Necrotics ( Infected) Broke out and engaged the City, And ofcourse the MPF/CCA is here to protect that, All citizen's need to line up in one of the Head appartement's and they need to get checked for cotraband and so on..

2 MPF/CCA Unit's need to check the area , and they WILL see it's full with necrotics..
You can get different kind of Necrotic waves etc.
When everybody is lined up you will need to find a way to bring the Citizen's in safety because you can't barricade the Appartement doors for ever.

When you found a solution you can call in a few OTA units or you let the MPF/CCA units kill some Necrotics for ...let say fun.
When you found a good place to stay for a while call in airsupport with Ammo drops for the Units ( make sure the Citizen's are following you in a line and that they are watched) after that clear the area from all the Necrotics and play some epic music in the backround:
When everything is clear check the area once and the event is over....Or not ?

( And if the rebels want to join the awesome event they can maybe make the situation worse in the City..Just let your fantasy work and it will be awesome)

It's just a idea maybe it's good maybe not.
Tuvia's Idea. 2po70a9

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