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 Lambda man's IDEA! >:D

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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Lambda man's IDEA! >:D Empty
PostSubject: Lambda man's IDEA! >:D   Lambda man's IDEA! >:D EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 6:38 am

Simple but great,

A head crab shell goes off target, leading it to lan in city 45's slums (at the canal area) so thats why there is a head crab or 2 in there. Anyway, the MPF attempts to control the small population of headcrabs in the slums by closing off some sections (some) and in attempt the have to go in and eliminate the head crabs before they bread and flood the slums......Now this event is pretty passive for most civilians, but its passive but mostly action for MPF. (Rebels will probably take place in this as well.
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Location : Great Brit-Brit-Britain!

Lambda man's IDEA! >:D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's IDEA! >:D   Lambda man's IDEA! >:D EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 5:28 pm

Nice idea, but I think it should land in an apartment, infecting it, and as resistnace just started up, it would give them an oppitunity to get some MPF and weaken their forces, and maybe turn 1 of them into a rogue.
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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Lambda man's IDEA! >:D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's IDEA! >:D   Lambda man's IDEA! >:D EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 10:53 pm

Hmmmmm, I don't know I wanted it to be a little passive for civilians. but some head crabs get out every now and then. But MPF will get mostly action, maybe some passive.
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Age : 27
Location : Great Brit-Brit-Britain!

Lambda man's IDEA! >:D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's IDEA! >:D   Lambda man's IDEA! >:D EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 4:46 am

The thing is, I dont like an rp event that just includes one faction, and I mean, most of the citizens understand rp.
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Lambda man's IDEA! >:D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's IDEA! >:D   Lambda man's IDEA! >:D Empty

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