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 Lambda man's Application

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Lambda man

Lambda man

Posts : 29
Join date : 2011-09-26
Age : 28
Location : USA! :D

Lambda man's Application Empty
PostSubject: Lambda man's Application   Lambda man's Application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 8:50 am

Steam Name: Lambda Man

SteamID : 0:1:12868507

How long have you been with the community?: pretty much a week, I also am known to ahve RPed with bacon for somtime...

Have you had past experience as a R.F before?: 2 other RP servers.

Why do you want to join the Resistance Force?:Enhanced RP experience,also has a good balance of Action, and passive RP

Character Backstory:(At Least 4 Paragraphs)

Samuel.....Samuel keeth was a kid that never took no for an answer. He didn't behave in school, and dose not like to be told what to long as it was for his own good.He stood out as a symbol of resistance when he grew into his teens

Samuel was known to resist the local authorities on several accounts, such as spray painting graffiti on buildings ,and walls. His parents were always busy, his dad never talked to him.His brother.....Dead. His brother died cause of a combine APC colideing with his motorbike (later when the combine invaded) .Samuel was devastated.....Crushed.

He later after just simply hated any law enforcement, it just reminded him of his lose.
Samuel later got in assault crimes, charges of many sorts.He expressed himself with his graffiti and would never stop.
Samuel was never seen in public, he hid under a hood, and his satchel rang with spray cans...The odder of paint floated around him.

The combine later invaded the earths land,water, and air. He just simply found their presence as another law inforcement arm. Samuel has been searching for others like him, for freedom,For a life.Samuel would spray the lambda symbols around in slums hopeing to attract others like him. He worried if he was alone,he would never be able to get revenge for his brother, but that has yet to come...

RolePlay examples:
Here is one of the most important parts of the application. In being accepted into the Resistance, you will be required to be in a seemingly "Upper class" form of RolePlay, which will require you to have elaborate and descriptive /me's and /it's. Here is where you will prove your RolePlaying experience based on these three scenarios:

Scenario one: (Passive) You are a recruit soldier, you are about to get to shooting practice, how will do this in roleplay action? 6 - 10 /me's at least for each char

Samuel sits on a bench waiting for his instructor to begin training.

Samuel sweats, slightly nervous.

Samuel looked around quickly at each side of the alley....

Rebel1 Calls to the new RCT, "Load your weapon rookie!"

Samuel reached into his satchel grabbing a 9mm mag, he loads it in quickly.

Rebel1 grins, not a bad time, he clicks his timer again.

Rebel 1 shrugs, "well? lets so you do some shooting, well?

Samuel licks his lips and aims at the target 20m away

Samuel squeazes the trigger, letting one round off.

The bullet slams into the sign plate, tipping it over.

Rebel 1 Grins once more, "not bad!"

Samuel smiles brightly, wipeing sweat from his forhead..

Rebel1 Point over to a door "Now go wait in there for results!"

Samuel nods, jogging over to the other room, entering.

rebel1 Walks behind him into the room, to give him the results.

Scenario two: You are the sole recruit in the base there is a citizen at the gate, what will you do to see if he can get trusted? 6 - 10 /me's at least for each char:

Civie1 spotts the rebel base "Hey!"

Civie1 looks up at the man at the gate post.

Samuel looks down at the civie.

Samuel frowns at him.

Samuel slings his gun and asks "What are you doing here?"

Civie1 shrugs, ?Can I come in?" "I need to talk to your leader."

Samuel looks confused "Why?"

Civie1 smirks "I cant tell you."

Samuel shakes his head "Get the fuck out of here..."

Civie1 Frowns "Your leader will kill you if you dont let me in."

Samuel ignores him.

Civie1 yells up at him "Fuck you!"

Samuel grins, chuckling at him slightly.

Scenario three: You are now at the Private rank patrolling the slums, you and your friend are patrolling suddenly you hear a CP what do you do? 10 /me's For Each Char

Samuel listens to a radio, "Copy"

Samuel has been told to patrol the slums.

Samuel Takes the route his trainer showed him.

Samuel slides down an old passage, scrapping his knee. "Ah, shi-"

Samuel shuts up at the sound of a CPs headset beeping.

Samuel slams his body into a wall as he rushes to cover.

Samuel hides in the dark cover, flipping up his dark hood

Cp1 walks around the corner, looking around, examining the area.

Samuel freezes, looking down to check his mp7.

Samuel flips it on "FIRE"

CP1 cocks his head over to the noise,He points his light

Samuel ducks more, unseen.

CP 1 turns around.

Samuel clicks his radio "CP in location B."

Cp1 turns quickly, fireing his SMG at Samuels cover.

Samuel drops his radio as he flinches.

Samuel grabs it and returns fire, blind fireing.

CP1 gets behind cover, waiting for a chance to fire again.

Samuel keeps fireing while he backs up.

Samuel reaches a point that he can run from.

CP 1 stands, fireing his MP7, holding the trigger down, shells flying from his gun.

Bullets slam into the corner ripping bricks off the wall.

Samuel rounds the corner in time and sprints to a safe zone.

Later the CP retreats makeing it out of the slums, reporting the firefight, a judgment waiver gets out to the city, leading to a lock down.

Hope you like it broski, worked hard on it ;]
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