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 Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this)

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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) Empty
PostSubject: Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this)   Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 9:40 am

Steam Name: Lambda Man

SteamID : 0:1:12868507

Why do you want to be a MPF Scanner?: I love how scanners can change the fiel of view for rebels, it can keep them on high alert for scanners. also fills in that empty gap in the sky, you know, the thing thats itching...its just not there xD

Do you have experience with scanner RP?: yes but only on one server, but seemed to be pretty good at it...

How long have you been with the community?: About a week..

Do one Role play scene with a good amount of /me's out of all:

SCN gets orders to patrol a near by block, it flys over quickly

SCn looks around slowly, windows and all.

Civie1 sets down a bag, some spray paint rolls out.

SCN stops at a window spotting the paint.

SCN radios it in and takes several photos

Civie 1 looks out at the SCN in shock and grabs the bag running out the door "OH SHI-"

SCN radios in for backup.

Radio replies "Copy inbound!"

Several MPF units cover the bottom stairs

Civie1 runs up in fear, he makes it to a window

MPF units storm up.

"BREACH!" they yell running in.

Civie1 jumps from the window in sudden fright

Civie1 falls breaking his legs from the 4th story.

SCN flys down beeping.

SCN radios: "Anti-citizen down, stabalized in the streets.


Later the graffiti writer was arrested and detained for years.....the streets cleaner than ever..

By a chance of getting a SCN char I will not minge,or fool around spamming my noise button or ram other players:Correct

Last edited by Lambda man on Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Age : 28
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Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) Empty
PostSubject: Scanner application requirements.   Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 2:42 pm

BTW this application requires 4 Supporters to pass.
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Age : 27
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Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this)   Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 5:25 pm

To be honest, just pain rp alittle more, but I think you deserve this, support just remember to pain rp and fear rp, thats all.
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Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this)   Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 5:24 am

I give you some + Support because I can and because you're a alright RPer and yea you deserve this pretty much!
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Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this)   Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 6:23 am

Good job always looking forward to you having a great rp time with meh.
+SUPPORT Very Happy
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Location : England

Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this)   Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) EmptyMon Oct 03, 2011 7:24 am

I've seen you roleplay, and you seem to be a fine roleplayer.
If anyone should get scanner it should be you.
+ Support
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PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this)   Lambda man's Scanner app (special given right to post this) Empty

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