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 Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application

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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application Empty
PostSubject: Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application   Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 2:46 am

Steam Name: Lambda Man

SteamID : 0:1:12868507

How long have you been with the community?:I have RPed with mac for sometime, but Im not sure how long with the community, But due to getting more RP with this char I will be play more.

Have you had past experience as a M.P.F before?:Yes, on 2 other servers

Why do you want to join the Metropolice Force?:ICly he has grown to look up to the combine, as protectors. OOC, II would like to get a more RP required chararcter.

Character name :Kaleb Johnson

Character Backstory :Kaleb Johnson was once a child and was emazed by the stars.He later got a telescope and gazed at them all night.Many people would agree that life has many thistles, and thorns...Well for Kaleb devorce was in hand.His parent got devorced his freshman year in highschool. He never took it lightly and was going from an A and B student to a D and F student.

Kaleb was not the type to bully, or do drugs. You could describe him as a good kid. He was planning to be a police officer, but due to the combine invadeing he take that view towards becoming a MPF unit.

Latter his last year in highschool he road home on his motorcycle, he dismounted and strutted to his domicile(Home) he walks to the door and shoves his hand into his pockets and dangles a hanfle of keys. He places one key into the lock and opens the door. Kaleb looks around and notices his dad is not home. "Dad?" He calls...No response. Kaleb dad was a military retired man, he was stricted. Kaleb walks into the kitchen...nothing. He takes it lightly and walks into the liveing room and turns the TV on. right when it flicks on....THe ground shakes. Kaleb is startled and looks into his back yard, then he glances to the sky and cant beleive the site..Suddenly black shapes moveing at intense speeds fly over his house and into the city. They happen to be combine head crab shells. He trys to get a better view.

And a shell strikes the yard and he stumbles back falling over. He gets up quickly and runs to the garage and gets his motorbike. He kicks it once,Twice, It finally starts and he rides down the road and another shell flys through the air and strike the street.He slams the rear break and slides leading to him to falling off. He recovers with mearly scrapes A daze. Kaleb stands up quickly and is struck with terror as the people on his block stumble out with creatures on their heads. He was shocked and couldnt beleive the world as he knew it was for sure ending.

Later Kaleb was arrested and later awoke on a train heading for c11, then later on he was transfered here c18. He has grieved apon being usless and a birden, He thought for hours about joining...The combine MPF.One day he walked to a local combine office and places a application. He sat hopeing he would'nt regret this.

These are some codes and terms you will be using on a daily basis. Please fill them out:

Anti-citizen:Uncivil person, Marked by the CCA to be detained or depending on what his level of punishment is.
Inject:To move into a room, or to simply inject a liquid into a victim (most of the time to just move into a room in a breaching pattern)
Malignant:General meening of this word is "Bad"
Administer:To give or indicate. "Administer this citizen a punishment."
Breach:To breach a room useing a gun to bust the lock or a breaching charge with 2 or more units.
Stabilize:To clear out any anti-civil behavior, to stabilize to city.
Amputate:To exacute, or just simply kill a victim.

A Roleplay Scenario :

MPF 1 radios:Just recieved an order to patrol the slums, unit 2 and 3 on me at the main entrance.

Unit 2 radio: Copy.

Unit 3 radio: Roger that.

MPF 1 stands at the enterance then spots the other two MPF units moveing to his position.

MPF 2 spotts unit 1 and speads up his pace.

MPF 3 follows close behind.

Both MPF units stand side by side infront of unit one.

MPF 1:Single file behind me I have point.

MPF 2: Nods, "Copy that."

MPF 3: follows in behind and flicks his light on.

MPF 1: Struts into the slums and stops. "Hold."

MPF 2, and 3 stop.

MPF 1 Flicks his light on and points into an alleyway.

Civie 1: Ah!

Civie 1 covers his eyes from the bright light directed to him.

MPF 1: Hold it right there!

MPF 2 helps MPF 1 with the situation.

MPF 1: I got this, just watch for others.

MPF 2: Copy.

MPF 2 and 3 watch for others while unit 1 deals with the civie.

Civie 1:"Need somthing?" still covering his eyes.

MPF 1: Shut up and face the wall.

Civie 1 faces the wall and sighs.

MPF 1 pulls one zip tie from his belt and attempts to tie the civie.

Civie 1 dose not resist and allows him to tie his hands.

MPF 1 pats him down, stop at the fealing of a object in his pocket.

MP1 pulls it out....a spray can.

Civie 1: Its not mine I sware!

MP1: SHUT IT! face forward!

Civie 1 panics but stays on the wall

MPF 1 radios: COpy, got a man with a spray can.

Dispatch radio: Copy, detain and bring him in. place victim in...cell 3

MPF 1: Copy.

MPF1 looks over to unit 2.

MPF 1: detain, haha

MPF 2: Copy that.

Civie 1: What?! please no!

MPF 2 places his stun stick at level 3 and strike the Civie till he is out cold.

Latter they place the victim in cell 3 succefully and the streets of the slums will have one less graffiti writer.

Scenario one: (Passive) You are at the ration terminal along with another recruit. Citizens come and go at a steady interval with little to report on. *Please provide at least 10 /me?s for both recruits.
These recruits show some human traits due to being RCTs so dont say they dont act like this Razz

*two recruits sit at a training are awaiting there orders*

RCT1 Cleans his stuntick.

RCT2 look over, "You need it clean to beat some guy?"

RCT1 grins under his mask. "Dunno, why not?"

RCT2 Shrugs, "Ok you got me, I have no idea...continue."

RCT1 laughs a little.

RCT2 respondes with a sigh

RCT2 says: :"Whats takeing so long?"

RCT1 shrugs,"Think their busy."

RCT2 shakes his head and starts to clean his new shiny stun stick with his coat.

SeC says : RCTS! LINE UP!

RCT1 Lines up quickly.

RCT2 lines up almost falling over.

SeC steps to the balcony looking down on them

RCT 1 looks forward.

RCT 2 does the same.

SeC yells: OK! LAPS NOW!

RCT 1 starts to run, having great form.

RCT 2 runs later slacking.

SeC looks at RCT 2 and shakes his head. "YOU BETTER RUN FASTER IF YOU WANT TO MAKE IT!"

RCT 2 Runs faster, coughing slightly.

RCT 1 still ahead by a lap.

SeC nods and tells them to stop.

RCT1 stops quickly

RCT2 stops in a odd motion.

Sec yells "To the shooting course now!

RCt1 moves to the course

RCT 2 Ties his boot some more then lines up with RCT 1

Scenario two:

Civie 1 look at the RCT asking for his info.

Civie 1 replys, giveing him his name and CID, "Carl hanson, CID 1234."

RCT flips his data pad out.

RCT presses a few keys and scrolls around looking for the Civies data.

Civie1 begins to look nervouse

RCT one stop all of a sudden.

Civie 1 looks up slowly.

RCT tells the civie to hold and turns around whispering into his radio. "Copy, got a anti-citizen at my location, Apartment block B."

radio: Copy that, inbound.

Civie over hears the radio and run out the door.

RCT says : Hold it!

Civie panics, turning around to run but trips.

RCT sprint to him and tackles him.

RCT radios "Suspect attempting to resist and run, Officer needs assistance!"

radio: "Copy, closing in!"

RCT attempts to tie the civie.

Civie dose not resist, knowing its the end.

Multiple units run the corner and draw there guns.

RCT stnds up holding the suspect.

Other units: "Good work RCT."

RCT nods.

Civie moans as he is dragged away slowly.

Scenario three:

Unit 04 gets orders to move to the slum enterance.

04 marches up to the enterance looking around.

Rebel 1 sits in a dark tunnel behind a barrel.

04 radios "04 stading by at the enterance."

Radio "Roger, hold there"

Rebel1 sees that he is alone for the moment.

Rebel1 aims his 9mm and opens fire, shooting 3 shots at the MPF unit

04 looks over at the gun fire blazing in the tunnel.

04 ducks be hind a combine barrier.

The 9mm bullets fly over, one slapping the barrier.

The gun blazes can be seen revealing the rebels position.

04 radios :Officer under fire! Need backup at slum enterance!"

Radio: "affimative backup inbound"

04 stands for a second to fire back.

shells fly from his gun,dropping to the ground.

rebel1 ducks down.

Rebel1 flintches at every bullet hitting the barrel.

04 gets down once more, and reloads his 9mm.

shells lie on the ground smokeing.

04 glares at haveing only 2 mags left.

Rebel 1 has little ammo left.

Rebel1 drops his empty mag.

The mag slap the ground echoing.

The darkness shields the rebel.

The fire fight stays cold and dark for a moment.

Then errupts into a bullet storm once more.

04 fires off his whole mag.

The gun flashes shine on the 04's mask.

rebel 1 Runs out of ammo.

rebel1 Curses to himself.

The click of the rebels gun echos.

04 hears the click and trusts his hearing.

04 stands, aiming at the rebels cover.

the unit approches slowly.

Rebel 1 trys to surrender in fear.

04 shoots his 9mm over and over.

Bullets fly into the rebel, His body jolting with impact.

Rebel 1 gets cut off in mid sentence, dieing instantly.

04 spotts backup, waveing them over.

Later the back up cleans the seen, and takes the coutrband and goes back to patrol.

You accept that as a recruit, you will stay inside the nexus at all times unless ordered otherwise by an OfC+:Yes
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Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application   Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 3:22 am

Good app, it's just that you are just making a few mistakes with the cannon, which I sometimes do, for example, people are not arrested and taken on trains, they are relocated, and if you were arrested, then you wouldnt have been able to join the CCA, oh and fear rp alittle more, but you got some great rp examples, Oh and also, your char would be dead, so edit your app, so far it is close to a support, but I am going to say Pending For the time being.
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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application Empty
PostSubject: Reply to a reply :P   Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 3:31 am

The combine took them from there homes, and placed them in controlled citys...They killed alot though. He didnt resist due to being unconsious. say he wakes up later on a train (being relocated) and stays in that city..if he was an anti-citizen then everyone most likely would be Neutral
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Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application   Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 4:40 am

But they would kill any one under the age of 18, and if he is unconsious, then they would check for a pulse, and then just kill him.
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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application Empty
PostSubject: Uhh   Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 4:52 am

What are you talking about? he is 20. and they would check his pulse and take hiom to a near city....cause they round up all the last liveing citizens.
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Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application   Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 5:51 am

-support You can sometimes not fearrp and injure rp.
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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application Empty
PostSubject: .....   Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 5:56 am

Im going to ask that you disraguard this comment due to this kid Abusing his MPF char by shooting me in the face and voiding RP, he dose not know about the half life backstory. And you need to go take your anger to my report to your abuse. Also you said you were leaveing cause you needed to do homework, but you are just mad and needed to come Not support my app.....Mac knows my RP is better than please take it to the report of abuse I posted for you :]
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Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application   Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 10:25 am

+support Great RPer overall, active, great part of the community.

You will be accepted into the MPF
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Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application   Lambda man's MPF/CCA Application Empty

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