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 Lambda man's Black market application

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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Lambda man's  Black market application Empty
PostSubject: Lambda man's Black market application   Lambda man's  Black market application EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 3:30 am

Steam Name: Lambda Man

SteamID : 0:1:12868507

How long have you been with the community?"About a week,active almost every day.

Have you had past experience as a BMD before?:Honestly, only once.

Why do you want to join the Blackmarket's Dealing?To inhance crime RP and keep players on their edge.

Character Backstory:(At Least 3 Paragraphs)
Adam lone was a highschool student in new york city, he figured that most of the kids that drank, smoked ,and dipped needed those thing...but could not get them easily. So adam took advantage of this and gathered those items selling them for high price, Cause if they can't get it...they would pay the price.
Adam was caught only one time, after that he learned how to addapt to the local law enforcment. He kept his hood over his face and his items never on im, in secret ares he would stow them away.
Adam was later taken to city 45after the 7 hour war , he didnt care where he was moved, as long as he could sell his items...he was fine with it. Of course they would'nt let him sell coutraband...but they could never see him, he walked in plain site but nevered pointed out. Adam is all ways keeping an eye on people, watching, watching for there take advantage of....*Creeper? xD*

RolePlay examples:
Civie1 walks down the canal slowly.

Dealer spotts the civie he aranged the meet with.

Dealer makes the bell ring guideing him over.

Civie hears the noise and grins walking over.

Dealer opens the stash and mumbles somthing.

Civie grins handing him the tokens and takes the goods running of with them,

Why should you be trusted with the v flag?: I have experience and understand that I only deal to Worthy RPers

How will you hide your storage?Most likely in the canals, still thinking about it

How and who will you sell to?Secretly, and only to good RPers that know what their doing and that can at least passive RP

Hope you like it :/
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Posts : 27
Join date : 2011-09-27
Age : 27
Location : Great Brit-Brit-Britain!

Lambda man's  Black market application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's Black market application   Lambda man's  Black market application EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 4:43 am

Dude, I understand how eager you are to be all these things, the only thing is, you are applying for nearly everything, which is alittle unfair on others, but still I think your best of working as a MPF/resistance.
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Lambda man

Lambda man

Posts : 29
Join date : 2011-09-26
Age : 28
Location : USA! :D

Lambda man's  Black market application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's Black market application   Lambda man's  Black market application EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 8:56 am

I am seeing what I can get on my hands Razz and im donateing like 20$ but I will see if jake does not want me to have alot of the factions.
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PostSubject: Re: Lambda man's Black market application   Lambda man's  Black market application Empty

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