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 Resistance Application

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Join date : 2011-10-01

Resistance Application Empty
PostSubject: Resistance Application   Resistance Application EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 10:36 am

Subject: Resistance Application
Steam name: [RIP-A]Slay3rX667

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:18187841

How long have you been with the community? About 2 hours possibly less

Have you had past experience as a R.F before? No but my character I play as usually is rebelious

Why do you want to join the Resistance Force? My character is always Rebelious and I'd love to save people from Combine

Backstory: My name is William Burnes. I was a normal Citizen living his life. Yes I knew there was Combine but I didn't think they actually change my life for the worst. I woke up one day and everything was normal at is usually was. I ate breakfast you know usual shit, I turned on my radio to hear something stunning.
Combine have started a invasion and are arresting people, Me and my wife who was sitting next to me looked at each other in shock. I told her we had to go, we packed our bags as fast as possible and left. We met a few Rebels on the way, they helped us get through the Combine. After a while we stopped and my wife asked me "William, where are we running to anyways?" All I could tell her was "I don't know just somewhere away from the Combine". After those words left my mouth I sat down and thought.
"She's right, where exactly are we running to I should of thought of a plan before we left". At that moment I thought it was all over...Well until I heard about Gordan Freeman, I regained hope I couldn't believe that one person is destroying the combine. Well until the unthinkable happend. In the near distance we heard a chopper, We got down into cover attempting to hide from the chopper.
Sadly it saw us, my first thought was "Why does it look so easy in the movies". Well that and "OH SHIT". We started to run. Of course the chopper fired at us....Killing my wife....As I stopped to turn around to help my wife I was stunned, I couldn't see anything. I was being assaulted by someone, they were beating me down with their guns and fist.
After a while they put a bag over my head and tied me up. Next thing I knew I was in a jail cell. They gave me food and some blue clothing, I took it dressed myself and ate. After a few hours they set me free....But it wasn't completely freedom, all exits were blocked and heavily guarded. They gave me a address and told me that this was my new 'Home'. I just went to my 'home' and just slept hoping this was all a dream. I woke up miserable. This wasn't a dream at all....This is hell

RolePlay examples:
Here is one of the most important parts of the application. In being accepted into the Resistance, you will be required to be in a seemingly "Upper class" form of RolePlay, which will require you to have elaborate and descriptive /me's and /it's. Here is where you will prove your RolePlaying experience based on these three scenarios:

Scenario one: (Passive) You are a recruit soldier, you are about to get to shooting pratice, how will do this in roleplay action? 6 - 10 /me's at least for each cha:
/me grabs the gun his trainer hands him, taking a good look at it /it His trainer tells him "Hit atleast 5 targets, we'll see how good your accuracy is /me aims his rifle, and slowly aims at the targets attempt to fire /it He hits one /me aims at the next target and fires /it He gets a head shot smiling for joy /me aims for the next one fires but misses /it His trianer sayd "Don't get so cocky, take your time" /me slowly aims for the next target, and fires he hits /me Continues to fire on the targets slowly, and with great accuracy /it The trainer looks impressed, and so does William /it The trainer says "You ever shoot a gun? /me I smiled and said "Nope" /me reloads his weapon handing it back to the Trainer /it refuses to take it and says "It's yours now your in the Resistance" /me smiles and says "Thank you"

Scenario two: You are the sole recruit in the base there is a citizen at the gate, what will you do to see if he can get trusted? 6 - 10 /me's at least for each char
/me walks up to the man and takes a look at him /me stares for a few minutes and asks "Need something?" /it The Citizen doesn't respond, but has a frightened look /me asks the man "You ok? You seem like you just saw a damn ghost?" /it The citizen still doesn't respond /me thinks for a few moments and finally says "Well I can't leave ya out here, come inside I'll put you in this room, I gotta lock you up for now because your can't be trusted yet, I'll feed ya until my high commanding officer arrives. /it The citizen finally responds "The-Their Co-Co-Coming" /me looks at him puzzled and says "Alright....Get inside, and I'll show you your room..."

Scenario three: You are now at the Private rank patrolling the slums, you and your friend are patrolling suddenly you hear a CP what do you do? 10 /me's For Each Char /me whispers quickly "Oh shit dude, you hear that get the fuck down now!" /it William's friend quickly crouches in the bushes nearby /me stands next to a entrance to a tunnel where the sound of the CP is coming from /me takes out his radio and says quietly "Sir, this is Private William Burnes, there is a CP near by, we only here one permission to engage quietly, we could take his uniform for later missions." /it His high commanding officer replys "Yes, good idea, attack silently alerting more guards will ruin everything." /me says back into the radio "Rodger." /me says quietly "Alright, were gonna take him out silently, we could use his uniform, it could be helpful .it William's friend nods /me William says quietly "Alright, take out your knife we don't want to draw attention" /it William and his friend pul out their Combat knife /it The CP is heard much closer then before /me Says quietly "On my mark" /it William's friend nods /me says quietly "Three, two, one! /it Both of em quickly run towards the CP, William tackles the CP into the wall /it As William Tackles the CP, his friend comes in and stabs the CP in the neck killing him instantly /me says "Nice job take all of his stuff and hide the body." /it William and his friend both strip the dead CP of his belongings and hiding the body, they eventually head back to base.
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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Resistance Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resistance Application   Resistance Application EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 10:39 am

Your .its are not suppose to be your trainer Razz only thing I really have to say...
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Resistance Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resistance Application   Resistance Application EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 1:21 pm

Whyd u post twice?? and Umm good job +support
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Resistance Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resistance Application   Resistance Application EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 8:12 pm

Hmm...I'm not sure, I mean, it's interesting but... well, it's just short, but still, I thinnnnnnnk I saw you rp ingame, not sure, but it was pretty impresive, so for now I will +support
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Resistance Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resistance Application   Resistance Application EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:53 am

I'm not such a Resistance fan but Seems good +Support
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Resistance Application 2n0sx3n
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