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 Osmann's application

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Osmann's application Empty
PostSubject: Osmann's application   Osmann's application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 8:39 am

Steam name: Osmann

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11079485

How long have you been with the community? Not for long, a few hours i think, but i'm a previous player of GenesisRP

Have you had past experience as a R.F before? I used to be a CP recruit, i have never been on the Resistance force, but i know a bit about them and how to react

Why do you want to join the Resistance Force? Because i want to try something new, and from my experiences then resistance sounds like something that fits me perfectly!

Character Backstory: He is 17 years old, grew up in a slum-like environment, he has previously been in a gang before the CP's took over the world, when they took over the world he saw his parents get brutally murdered, so he hungers for revenge against the CP's.
He is intelligent, good at teamwork and knows how to work out any tight situation.
Some might see him as a "criminal mastermind" but he stays very neutral normally, when hes not planning something against the CP's

Scenario one: (Passive) You are a recruit soldier, you are about to get to shooting pratice, how will do this in roleplay action? 6 - 10 /me's at least for each cha
/Me opens the door to the target range
/Me checks if everything is clear and no one is in the danger zone
/Me pulls out a suitcase with a glock 17 in it
/Me starts putting together the parts of the gun and loads the ammo into the magazine
/Me takes aim, pulls the trigger slightly, steady and slow.
/Me attempts to fire a 3 rounds the target

Scenario two: You are the sole recruit in the base there is a citizen at the gate, what will you do to see if he can get trusted? 6 - 10 /me's at least for each char
Me: Hello
Him: Hello
Me: What are you doing here?
Him: Just walking around, why are you guarding this gate?
Me: You dont need to know.
Him (whisper): I know what this is, im a member
Me: Can you prove that?
Him: My name is (Name here)
Me: Never heard of you, let me ask the other members
/me walks into the base, making sure the citizen wont enter
Me: Hey guys, i just need to know if (name here) is allowed in the base?
*He is*
/Me walks out to the gate again
Me: Come in, quickly.
/Me lets the citizen in, closes the gate afterwards


Scenario three: You are now at the Private rank patrolling the slums, you and your friend are patrolling suddenly you hear a CP what do you do? 10 /me's For Each Char
/me hears the noise of a CP walking arround
/w Hey guys, lets get out of here, theres a CP arround somewhere!
/Me checks to make sure that everyone is following him
/Me starts running with light steps to make sure he does not get heard
/w guys, come into this building!
/Me opens the door slowly and waits for eveyone to enter, then closes it again
/w be completely silent untill the CP is gone!
/Me Hears the CP just outside the door, takes a grip on his gun under his jacket
*The noise gets lower and lower*
/w i think hes gone, lets get out of here
/Me runs away while making sure everyone is following him

- Hope i'll get accepted, this took quite a long time to write! Smile
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Osmann's application Empty
PostSubject: Support   Osmann's application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 12:40 pm

+support that was good osmann but your backstory needs to be atleast 3 paragraphs
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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Osmann's application Empty
PostSubject: Applications flaws   Osmann's application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 2:33 pm

The /me scenes are simply 1 char and not much RP...just an opinion. not supporting or nonesupporting in any way.
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Osmann's application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Osmann's application   Osmann's application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 5:19 pm

It's quite good, I wouldnt mind seeing you as a CP, just get a bigger backstory +support cheers
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Osmann's application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Osmann's application   Osmann's application EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 10:38 pm

summoner31st wrote:
It's quite good, I wouldnt mind seeing you as a CP, just get a bigger backstory +support cheers

Uh... this is an app for resistance...
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Osmann's application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Osmann's application   Osmann's application EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 1:41 am

Jake wrote:
summoner31st wrote:
It's quite good, I wouldnt mind seeing you as a CP, just get a bigger backstory +support cheers

Uh... this is an app for resistance...

Rogue CP, maybe? Very Happy
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Osmann's application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Osmann's application   Osmann's application EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 4:44 am

Well, I wouldnt mind if a rogue, and sorry, I was an early forum browser like you, making common mistakes, I meant I wouldnt mind seeing you as a resistance, srry Very Happy
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