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 Veronica CP application

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Allie The Outcast

Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-07-08

Veronica CP application Empty
PostSubject: Veronica CP application   Veronica CP application EmptySun Jul 08, 2012 2:10 am

Steam name: Allie The Outcast

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42734174

How long have you been with the community? For a few days now.

Have you had past experience as a M.P.F before? I have been on another server and was trained there, though this was a while back

Why do you want to join the Metropolice Force? To serve the Combine,Work for them and overwatch the City.

Character Backstory:
Veronica was born in a small village called Odessa. She and her father were always together while her mother was out doing most of the work. Then a large unit of combine attacked the town and captured Veronica and her dad. They put her in an orphanage while her dad was turned into one of them. After a year in the orphanage Veronica and a few other young children escaped together and split up soon after. Veronica ended up in a small town ruled by Martial Law. After wondering the alleys her father found her but his eyes were different. They were able to spend time together and before admitting to what he has become, Veronica's father gave her a small star shaped pendant. Veronica later traveled to city 18 where she would try her best to be like her father.

These are some codes and terms you will be using on a daily basis. Please fill them out:

Anti-citizen: A Un-Civilised Citizen reported, A high Level of Un-Civilised behaviour.
Inject: Breach, Shoot the lock,Move inside.
Malignant: The meaning of the word is bad..
Administer: Report,Apply.
Breach: Engage into that Building/Appartement/Place.
Stabilize: get order into the City,Everybody needs to return into there Appartement.
Amputate: Execution,Execute that person most of the time in the head with one bullet.

RolePlay examples:
Here is one of the most important parts of the application. In being accepted into the MPF, you will be required to be in a seemingly "Upper class" form of RolePlay, which will require you to have elaborate and descriptive /me's and /it's. Here is where you will prove your RolePlaying experience based on these three scenarios:

Scenario one: (Passive) You are at the ration terminal along with another recruit. Citizens come and go at a steady interval with little to report on. *Please provide at least 10 /me?s for both recruits.

**MPF-RCT.11223 Checks citizen's data and approves
**Robert takes a ration packet and leaves
**Veronica moves up
**MPF-RCT.11223 asks to apply
**Veronica says name and CID
**MPF-RCT.11223 Checks Veronica's data and approves
**Veronica moves up and takes a ration

Scenario two: You are the sole recruit in stasis and a citizen applies his Citizen Identification Digits. Upon reading the citizen?s data you realize his record states, "Search on sight." How will you react to the situation? *Please provide at least 10 /me's for each character.

**MPF-RCT.11223 checks Citizen's data
**MPF-RCT.11223 looks over his Reported data and sees he is Searched by MPF Officers
**MPF-RCT.11223 says: Citizen,Face the wall now.
David Russel faces the wall
**MPF-RCT.11223 says: Don't move!
**MPF-RCT.11223 radio's in: Got a Anti-Citizen reported, Need Assistance.
** Dispatch: Two Officer's sended to your position.
**MPF-RCT.11223 attempts to tie the citizen
[LOOC]MPF-RCT.11223: Resist?
David Russel does not resist
**MPF-RCT.11223 ties the citizen up.
**MPF-OfC-APEX.11253 grabs the Citizen and drags him to detainment
**MPF-OfC-APEX.47963 Follows the OfC and looks over the Citizen

Scenario three: You are now at the rank of 04, you are on a standard patrol of a Union authorized zone when you come under fire from an unknown source. You have to react quickly and any false move could mean life or death. *Please provide at least 10 /me's and 10 /it's.

**MPF-04-UNION.11223 get's cover behind the wall
**MPF-04-UNION.11223 grabs his 9MM pistol and reloads it
**MPF-04-UNION.11223 radio's in: Eleven-ninety-nine Officer needs assistance,Under heavy fire!
**MPF-04-UNION.11223 Looks behind the wall and fires two times on the Figures
**MPF-04-UNION.11223 radio's in: Overwatch Advice! Heavy Resistance Reported!
**Dispatch four Overwatch Units sended to your Posistion
**MPF-04-UNION.11223 looks behind the wall shoot's his whole mag and switches from cover.
**OTA-ELITE.11223 Fires his pulse rifle and shot the Figures down
**OTA-ELITE.44669 looks over the dead body's and radio's in: Area Cleared,Suspects down, Over.
**Dispatch Copy that,Clean up the Area.
**MPF-04-UNION.11223 get's up
**MPF-04-UNION.11223 Grabs a dead body and throws it over his shoulder, walks away with a dead body on his right shoulder along with the 4 other OTA units.
**MPF-04-UNION.11223 radio's in: Area Cleaned,Everything is stabilized.

By filling out this application, you understand and agree that upon acceptance of your application, you will be placed at the rank of Recruit. The role of the recruit is to remain inside the Nexus at all times unless told to leave by an OfC+: Understood
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