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 Mpf application - Kenny

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Mpf application - Kenny Empty
PostSubject: Mpf application - Kenny   Mpf application - Kenny EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:17 am

Steam name: Kenny

Steam ID:
# 36 "Kenny" STEAM_0:0:37018642 36:35 151 0 active

How long have you been with the community? Only for a week, but I have quite a few years of role-playing experience.
I was also MpF (and admin) at a community called Pozeidon, the MpF roleplay there was quite good.

Have you had past experience as a M.P.F before? Yes, I’ve been M.P.F quite a number of times, including SeC.

Why do you want to join the Metropolice Force? I would like to join the Metropoilce force to enhance mine and others roleplay experience.

Character Backstory:
James Harper, a name not known by many anymore, As the gasmask covered James' face he didn’t resist or weep as he was not himself... like so many before him he had been drawn towards the combine, the reason ? Fear... curiosity? Who knows...?

But there was a time when James wasn’t hid behind the mask of a Metropoilce unit, in the earlier years of the Combines rule, James lived his life in one of the apartment complex, hoping that trouble would not find him, but it most certainly did, as many of the Citizens rebelled the Combine reacted in force, many of the apartment complexes were raided and James fled to the streets.

After spending weeks wandering he eventually collapsed, submitting to the Combine...
But this isn’t the end of James' story... it’s just a new... violent chapter.

(Sorry if this isnt long enough, length isnt my strength)

These are some codes and terms you will be using on a daily basis. Please fill them out:

Anti-citizen: A citizen that has committed an act deemed rebellious or un-civil
Inject: Enter
Malignant: The meaning of the word is bad.
Administer: Report/reply
Breach: Enter with force
Stabilize: Regain order
Amputate: Execute

RolePlay examples:
Here is one of the most important parts of the application. In being accepted into the MPF, you will be required to be in a seemingly "Upper class" form of RolePlay, which will require you to have elaborate and descriptive /me's and /it's. Here is where you will prove your RolePlaying experience based on these three scenarios:

Scenario one: (Passive) you are at the ration terminal along with another recruit. Citizens come and go at a steady interval with little to report on. *Please provide at least 10 /me?s for both recruits.
/me = The first recruit

Recruit 1: Okay you can go.
/me Beacons the Citizen with his stunstick
Recruit 2: Move it!
Citizen: Okay! I’m going, I’m going...
/it The Citizen shuffles forward
/it The 2nd Recruit looks at the first.
Recruit 2: So you been in the force long?
/me looks at him
Recruit 1: No... Not really, just about a week.
Recruit 2: Ah I see well -
/it they both look at the upcoming Citizen
Citizen: This is where the rations are at, right?
/it they both look at each other and the first one says:
Recruit 1: Yes, But first Apply.
Citizen: Harry gunner 15562.
/me scans his data
Recruit 1: Alright, you can go.
/it The Citizen walks in.

Scenario two: You are the sole recruit in stasis and a citizen applies his Citizen Identification Digits. Upon reading the citizen?s data you realize his record states, "Search on sight." How will you react to the situation? *Please provide at least 10 /me's for each character.
Recruit: Citizen, face the wall.
Citizen: Is there a problem here?
Recruit: I said face the wall.
/it The Citizen turns around and faces it.
Citizen: I don't see what the problem is really...
/me Attempts to pat down the Citizen.
/it the citizen does not resist
Citizen: Hey, easy... easy!
/me find sa can of spray paint in his back pocket.
/me gets out his radio.
/radio I have contraband here, over.
Citizen: Hey put tha-
Recruit: Citizen, remain quiet!

Scenario three: You are now at the rank of 04, you are on a standard patrol of a Union authorized zone when you come under fire from an unknown source. You have to react quickly and any false move could mean life or death. *Please provide at least 10 /me's and 10 /it's.
/it The MPF units come under fire from somewhere above.
04: Shit! Get to cover!
/me Dives behind large garbage bin.
04: Officer needs assistance!
/it A few shots whiz past the bin hitting the wall next to the 04.
/me Takes out his 9mm pistol, but does not fire yet.
/it the sound of laughing can be heard from above
/me See's what appears to be an Mp7
/it the resistance member holding it is unaware of the unit below him.
/me Fires a few shots at the weapon
/it 2 of the shots fly past the resistance members weapon, before he can think to pull the weapon in the gun is fired upon and falls to the floor.
04: Haha!
/me begins to fire towards the Resistance member.
Resistance member: Oh god damnit! fallback!
/it the resistance member retreats into the shadows, the 04 calls for reinforcements.

By filling out this application, you understand and agree that upon acceptance of your application, you will be placed at the rank of Recruit. The role of the recruit is to remain inside the Nexus at all times unless told to leave by an OfC+.

Last edited by Kenny on Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:38 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Join date : 2011-10-02
Age : 29
Location : The Netherlands

Mpf application - Kenny Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mpf application - Kenny   Mpf application - Kenny EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:24 am

I know this guy for a pretty long time now..And I need to say he's a great Serious Roleplayer and a very Good MPF.

You can get your badge Recruit,
Mpf application - Kenny 2vhub6g
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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Mpf application - Kenny Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mpf application - Kenny   Mpf application - Kenny EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:33 am

Not bad, I will take this man above me suggestion and support it. Looks Pretty good, and you seem alright, and we need MPF units...

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Join date : 2011-09-30

Mpf application - Kenny Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mpf application - Kenny   Mpf application - Kenny EmptyThu Oct 20, 2011 12:13 am

Wow, that was amazing you definitly get in Very Happy

+support ALL DA WAY!!!

Ill train ya myself Very Happy
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