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 Evening, I'm Kenny

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Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-10-02
Location : England

Evening, I'm Kenny Empty
PostSubject: Evening, I'm Kenny   Evening, I'm Kenny EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 8:50 am

Hello fellow roleplayers, I am Reace, but you can call me Kenny Smile.
I have been roleplaying... well since it's been around (I actually can't remember how long that is now)
and its fair to say I have quite a bit of experience with it, I am fairly good (Don't mean to brag) and would enjoy getting to know you all.
I have been generally playing video games since I was about 6, and that... was a very long time ago.

I also play a few sports, Basketball being my most prefered one, and I am a big fan of the Halo series.

Anyway don't mean to keep you waiting, i'm sure you want to get back to playing some games. Very Happy
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