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 Chris' CCA Application.

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Chris' CCA Application. Empty
PostSubject: Chris' CCA Application.   Chris' CCA Application. EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:30 am

Steam name: Chris

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27328276

How long have you been with the community? Not very long..

Have you had past experience as a M.P.F before? Several, in a lot of different servers. In all kind of ranks (SeC, DvL, OfC and 01)

Why do you want to join the Metropolice Force? I want to join the Metropolice Force, or Combine Civil Authority because I wish to maintain social-stability with C45, and believe there should be more control over the citizens. I have experience as being a unit and think I can help a lot contributing to the CCA.

Character Backstory: Chris Kern came from City 18 after the rebels took over he was evacuated and transfered to City 45. He really was lost, but he knew his one place. He was a former CWU member in City 18... But that was all lost when he was forced to move. Now being in City 45, he has decided to apply to the Combine Civil Authority to try to get in a place of their ranks. This way Chris will fit in more, and will try to enforce the social-stability of the community. After being moved from his home in City 18, he took it pretty hard and was lost due to losing his loved ones. He had several friends back in City 18, they were killed due to the OTA, or Overwatch Transhuman Arm. They came in and killed everyone who wasn't evacuated until the fight escalated and the rebellion had won. By this time he had been evacuated and transferred, after being transferred he set foot into City 45, already noticing the presence of the CCA everywhere. He then began to try to live his life here, but he could not bare the feeling of lost so many people back. He couldn't take thinking about the pain and agony they went through. He was feeling lonely, depressed and did not want to meet anyone else. He had grown hatred for the rebels, just for what they had done. He then grew hate for citizens, their actions and what they commit. He noticed his place within the citizens could be no longer! After a while of thinking and being alone for such a while. He decided it, he would try to apply for CCA. Knowing his only chance to be able to "live" again. He didn't consider himself living any longer after he lost his loved ones. He saw no point in it and was bound to commit suicide if he didn't try to change. He still had hatred for citizens, despite the fact he is one but does not want to consider himself as one. He then applied to the Combine Civil Authority, hoping for a position and to be able to be part of what he called, "The Solution."

These are some codes and terms you will be using on a daily basis. Please fill them out:

Anti-citizen: Criminal.
Inject: Units assemble at area.
Malignant: High dangerous and contagious.
Administer: Carry out orders.
Breach: Remove obstacle or defenses.
Stabilize: Restore order to area of high malicious activity.
Amputate: Execute, kill.

RolePlay examples:
Here is one of the most important parts of the application. In being accepted into the MPF, you will be required to be in a seemingly "Upper class" form of RolePlay, which will require you to have elaborate and descriptive /me's and /it's. Here is where you will prove your RolePlaying experience based on these three scenarios:

Scenario one: (Passive) You are at the ration terminal along with another recruit. Citizens come and go at a steady interval with little to report on. *Please provide at least 10 /me?s for both recruits.

**CCA-RCT.5241 looks over to the citizen and says "<::Hold it."

**CCA-RCT.5241 turns over to his partner as he walks over to the citizen.

**CCA-RCT.4137 goes over to the man he says "<:: Citizen apply, Citizen Identification, and full name."

**John Edwards says "John Edwards, #45671"

**CCA-RCT.5241 begins to search down the citizen in his data finding nothing of interest. He says "<:: Clear."

**CCA-RCT.4137 moves aside allowing the citizen to pass through the checkpoint.

**CCA-RCT.5241 moves to the side and begins to talk to his partner stating "<:: These damn citizens sometimes they just don't get it."

**CCA-RCT.4137 looks over to his partner "<:: This is why we joined the CCA."

**CCA-RCT.4137 moves to the side as the citizen who just applied leaves with his ration.

** Another citizen approaches the checkpoint.

**CCA-RCT.5241 looks over at the citizen and sighs. He says "<:: Don't move, stay right there."

**CCA-RCT.4137 turns toward the citizen "<:: Apply citizen with your identification and full name."

**Robert Oliver says "Robert Oliver, #95167"

**CCA-RCT.5241 checks down on his datapad finding he is a loyalist and part of the CWU. "<:: He's clean. Move along." also while noticing a large line of citizens.

**CCA-RCT.5241 sighs and looks over to the line "<:: Move up."

** The line is steadily moving up, slowly.

**CCA-RCT.5241 while checking the citizen's data he notices a citizen causing a ruckus in the middle of the line.

**CCA-RCT.4137 notices the citizen as well and radios "<:: We have a sociocide; 10-20; Ration Terminal, 10-103."

**CCA-01.5674 radios "<:: 10-2; Sending response team to pacify"

**CCA-RCT.5241 finishing off the citizen's data checking he leans over on the wall and said "<:: Ah, it was bound to happen sooner or later with these lines."

**CCA-RCT.4137 agreeing with his partner he saids "<:: Well atleast that's done and over with."

**CCA-01.5674 radios "<:: Recruits; 10-50."

**CCA-RCT.4137 radios "<:: 10-4; RCT 10-50"

**CCA-RCT.4137 radios "<:: RCT; Assuming PT1 10-20; Plaza."

Scenario two: You are the sole recruit in stasis and a citizen applies his Citizen Identification Digits. Upon reading the citizen?s data you realize his record states, "Search on sight." How will you react to the situation? *Please provide at least 10 /me's for each character.

**CCA-RCT.6752 looks over to the citizens revealing his breath from his mask. He says "<:: Citizen apply with you identification digits and full name."

**Sean Roban says "Sean Roban, #52237"

**CCA-RCT.6752 looks over the citizen's information on his datapad first noticing his notes "Search on sight"

**CCA-RCT.6752 flicks his stunbaton on and using caution he says "<:: Get up on the wall, now!"

**Sean Roban says "Wait, what! What did I do?"

**CCA-RCT.6752 says "<:: I wont warn you again, move it!"

**Sean Roban complies with the officer and goes up against the wall.

**CCA-RCT.6752 he goes over to the wall, from behind him he grabs his hands and attempts to tie his wrists.

**Sean Roban does not resist being tied.

**CCA-RCT.6752 ties his hands, and radios in "<:: Sean Roban; 10-107, Search on sight on record. Possible 647E. 10-20; Trainstation Checkpoint."

**CCA-RCT.6752 begins to pat him down searching for contraband and finds nothing of interest confused in a way.

**CCA-RCT.6752 radios "<:: Cleaned; Suspect had no contraband. Over."

**CCA-OfC.7826 radios "<:: 10-2; Detain for interoggation"

**CCA-RCT-6752 radios "<:: 10-2 Pacifying."

**CCA-RCT-6752 looks back up at the man, and grips his stunbaton firmly while flicking it on once again.

**Sean Roban in fear, looks up back and says "Wait what are you doing? Don't hurt me please!"

**CCA-RCT-6752 has little pity for the man and begins to beat him until he is unconcious.

**CCA-RCT-6752 he grabs him by his feet dragging him into the nexus detainment.

**Sean Roban wakes up, confused and dizzy looking all around. He is bewildered of where he is, and wants to find out.

**Sean Roban says "Hello? Anybody here...?"

** No answer for his calls but just an echo of his own voice.

**Sean Roban in fear still, he huddles up into a corner hoping he does not get killed.

Scenario three: You are now at the rank of 04, you are on a standard patrol of a Union authorized zone when you come under fire from an unknown source. You have to react quickly and any false move could mean life or death. *Please provide at least 10 /me's and 10 /it's.

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 walks down the plaza on a standard patrol

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 radios "<:: 04; 10-50; Plaza Status Green."

**A small noise is heard in the distance as the sound of an MP7 being loaded.

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 continues to patrol as if nothing is wrong and does not notice anything out of the ordinary.

**Suddenly out of nowhere there is an mp7 rapidly shooting at the unit, he gets hit in the leg once.

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 runs for cover being hit in the leg he radios in quick "<:: 11-99; Minor hits continuing prosecution; 10-20; Plaza STATUS RED"

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 attempts to patch his wounds with a medical vial he quickly grabs his stunstick with no other option.

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 he grabs it and attempts to cauterize his wound.

**The unit is still under heavy fire and pinned down behind a concrete wall.

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 he peaks out a little after the firing stopped for a second, he grips his 9mm pistol and begins to fire at the source.

**Suddenly more fire from the source keeps coming, he is pinned to the automatic SMG.

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 attempting to get away with an injured leg, he makes a run for it to the other side for a clearer view while the source reloads.

**The unit sprints across and is spotted by the source, and begins to take fire again.

**A response from the radio is heard, the source had heard it and ran off into the distance while lodging a grenade down near the unit hoping to kill him.

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 notices the grenade and dives away hoping not to get killed.

**Four units arrive on the scene, 2 SHIELD units to help patch the wounds.

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 is exhausted and dizzy from the loss of blood, the cauterizing did not work.

**CCA-UNION.04.48946 passes out while he is being taken to the nexus for medical treatment.

**The unit was healed and made able to perform standard CCA duties once again. The source was never found.

By filling out this application, you understand and agree that upon acceptance of your application, you will be placed at the rank of Recruit. The role of the recruit is to remain inside the Nexus at all times unless told to leave by an OfC+.
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Lambda man

Lambda man

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Chris' CCA Application. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chris' CCA Application.   Chris' CCA Application. EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:37 am

Not bad, but Im not sure if we can take other MPF members...jake will decide.
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Chris' CCA Application. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chris' CCA Application.   Chris' CCA Application. EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:41 am

+ Support.
This was a very well thought out application, in my opinion. It has great length to it, and details from an outstanding imagination.
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Location : The Netherlands

Chris' CCA Application. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chris' CCA Application.   Chris' CCA Application. EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:43 am

Good application but.. , The Forum's are getting pretty much overwhelmed with MPF application's..So I don't know if we need more..
Jake will decide that because he can.
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