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 Ban / Appeal Format.

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Posts : 46
Join date : 2011-08-19
Age : 29
Location : Denmark

Ban / Appeal Format. Empty
PostSubject: Ban / Appeal Format.   Ban / Appeal Format. EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 2:33 am

Ban/unban request format

If there is a player who is constantly not following the rules of the server, and our admins are not currently present, please take the time to come here and post the request. Please include the following in your request:

1. Players name and Steam ID

2. Reason(s) for the ban

3. Proof (screen shots, logs, etc.)

4. Supported by members of the community by a +support in a reply to the request

If a player has been banned wrongfully and you wish to give an argument on why he should be unbanned, please follow this format:

1. Players name and Steam ID

2. Reason(s) for unbanning of the player

3. Some sort of proof that shows us you were banned wrongfully.

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Ban / Appeal Format.
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