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 Resistance Application Format

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Posts : 46
Join date : 2011-08-19
Age : 29
Location : Denmark

Resistance Application Format Empty
PostSubject: Resistance Application Format   Resistance Application Format EmptyFri Sep 30, 2011 8:04 am

Quote :
Steam name:

Steam ID:

How long have you been with the community?

Have you had past experience as a R.F before?

Why do you want to join the Resistance Force?

Character Backstory:(At Least 4 Paragraphs)

RolePlay examples:
Here is one of the most important parts of the application. In being accepted into the Resistance, you will be required to be in a seemingly "Upper class" form of RolePlay, which will require you to have elaborate and descriptive /me's and /it's. Here is where you will prove your RolePlaying experience based on these three scenarios:

Scenario one: (Passive) You are a recruit soldier, you are about to get to shooting pratice, how will do this in roleplay action? 6 - 10 /me's at least for each cha

Scenario two: You are the sole recruit in the base there is a citizen at the gate, what will you do to see if he can get trusted? 6 - 10 /me's at least for each char

Scenario three: You are now at the Private rank patrolling the slums, you and your friend are patrolling suddenly you hear a CP what do you do? 10 /me's For Each Char
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