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 Medical Guide.

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Medical Guide. Empty
PostSubject: Medical Guide.   Medical Guide. EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 2:10 am

Medical Guides

This guide will help you, understanding what the tasks of the Helix are.
Well, if you want to apply for Helix, you've got to know all that stuff and also have to have a pratical test with the DvL of the Helix.
By the way, the Helix doesn't have any special equipment, everything is IC.
Let's start up by the content of this guide :
Table of content.

1. Field Medical Practice
- Forceps
- Bandaging
- Surgical Sutures
- Cauterisation

2. Basic Injuries and Treatment
- Hemopneumothorax
- Bone Fractures
- Penetrating Trauma

3. Medical Pharmaceuticals and Drugs
- Antiseptics
- Anaesthetics
- Analgesics
- Sedatives

4. Equipment, usage and general stuff.
- CAT Scans
- Defibrillation
- QuikClot
- Orthopedic Casts

5. Acting and Examples
- How to act properly
- Examples

Field Medical Practice :
Now, this are pretty much the basics of the basics.
At first, be sure that (ICly ofc) you washed everything and that your medical devices are clean.
Otherwise you would probably kill your patients during a surgery.

- Forceps
Now this is one of your most important tools. With forceps you, for example, open up flesh wounds, so you can heal them properly.

- Bandaging
After you are done with the surgery, you've got to bandage the wound properly. If you are in the field, and you have no bandages left, try to find a sheet and rip it in pieces. This is of course only an emergency solution.
- Surgical Sutures
This is pretty much the end of the surgery. You suture the wound and then bandage it.

- Cauterization
Cauterization is the technique of burning parts of the body. It is needed if you amputate body parts.
It's for closing the amputating and to stop a bleeding.

Basic Injuries and Treatment :

- Hemopneumothorax, is a gathering of blood and air to the same time.
Causes are probably : Rip fractures, injuries of any kind at the chest section.

- Bone Fractures, like you can tell by the name, it's about broken bones.
First aid : Actually, you can't do a lot in that situation. Just don't move him if not necessary, he should lay still and you must wait until a Helix arrives.
Heavy bone fracture
You'll fix the broken bone by doing a surgey. At first the patients need analgesic or you need to put the patients into anesthesia. After that, cut with the scalpel in the flesh so you get "access" to the bone. After that, fix the Bone fracture.
Light bone fracture
Will fix itself, just need some time. Try to stabilize the broken bone.

- Penetrating Trauma, is when the tissue is injured, by for example a gunshot.
Procedure : Give the patient analgesic. Disinfect the wound, (Not necessary if there is no bullet inside the body) get a forceps to open up the wound. Take the bullet out of the wound. (until here) Suture the wound. After all of that, bandage it.

Medical Pharmaceuticals and Drugs :
- Antiseptics, those are the main part of each surgery. You'll need them for the disinfection of wounds so it doesn't become infected.
- Anaesthetics, needed before a heavy surgery. You need it to get the patients into sleep, so they don't feel anything and just aren't awake while the surgery. You will have to syringe it into the patients VENES. (Important that you inject it in the venes, 'cause the blood from the venes goes back to the heart and then through the whole body. If you hit an artery, you'll probably have no effect at all or just make the injury worse.)
- Analgesic, you can pretty much say that this are just painkillers, needed in almost every situation. (You'll give it in form of ointment or pills.)
- Sedative, is needed to calm someone down, they are tranquilizer. You won't need them in a surgery, because you would just put them into narcose.

Equipment, usage and general stuff :

Defibrillation, well pretty obvious you can revieve people with that. Don't forget to charge it and point it at the chest (Open the shirt or remove the clothes in the chest area before you defibrillate)

Cat Scan, checking for tumors or issues with the head.

Orthopedic casts, put them on the patients if they've broken their limb(s) or if they have to rest their limb(s) for some reason.

Blood pressure gauge, gauging the blood pressure. I'm not stating the obvious.

Acting and Examples :

Example : A recruit has been shot in the left leg. What to do know?
Let's pretend he is already in the medical bay. ( Helix neulinge are watching)

Helix : Alright, penetrating trauma here. Gunshot wound.
Helix / Takes a look at the wound.
/It The bullet is still in the leg.
Rct /screams in pain
Helix : The bullet is still inside, we need to pull it out. At first, we need Antiseptics and analgesics.
Helix /takes the analgesics
Helix /gives it to the recruit
RCT /Takes the analgesics
Helix : Now the antiseptics.
Helix /Daubs antiseptics at the wound.
Helix /takes a forceps
Helix : Now this is going to be painful.
Helix /opens the wound.
Helix : Ah, there it is!
Helix /takes a pincette.
Helix /grabs the bullet and pulls it out
Helix : There we go.
Helix /removes the forceps
Helix : Now we've got to close the wound and finally let it heal out.
Helix /sutures the wound
Helix /takes a bandage
Helix /bandages the wound
Helix : Now, don't you move that leg just a bit. Otherwise you'll open your wound and might rip off one of your venes or arteries.

Info : A wounded leg, well. It's not that bad, still you've got to check if there is a bullet inside. If you forget about the bullet(!) he might die, 'cause of infection. Being a medic is a job you should really take serious, you can't be like "Yea, here a medkit. Go ahead and take it"
Also, a medkit isn't automaticly just a medkit which does heal you by just pressing E on it. It contains important equipment, like bandages. You've got to act probably while using it. Disinfect the wound before you do ANYTHING, give yourself or the patient painkillers (analgesic's) to lower the pain, if the pain is too big or you need to do a bigger surgery, then you'll give the patient anaesthetics, so he'll lose consciousness. Of course you can't heal a big wound like that on yourself, just little scratches and other sort of sores.
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