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 MPF/CCA Guide

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Posts : 24
Join date : 2011-10-02
Age : 29
Location : The Netherlands

MPF/CCA Guide Empty
PostSubject: MPF/CCA Guide   MPF/CCA Guide EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 6:07 am

Imagine you are playing Half-life 2. Remember that bit when you get told to pick up the can? Pretty much that. If the citizens do what you say, you let them pass. If they don't do what you say... well let's just say the stunstick isn't just for "looks". You need to be almost robotic with your efficiency. You can't minge about because then the citizens will minge about which means that you have to look like the dominant guys. If someone comes up to you and starts asking useless questions, you don't have time to deal with them. They should fear you. If the citizens are messing about, tell them to stop but don't be afraid to use a bit of persuasive force. On the other hand however, don't go crazy and beat the crap out of everyone you see on sight.

A lot of your time will be spent patrolling and watching out for criminal behavior. If you get bored easily, CPA isn't the job for you. You won't be in gunfights or raids all the time so get used to making your own rp scenarios or PASSIVE RP! All the rules and rp requirements apply to you too! In fact, there are more for you than the citizens! If you know of a dangerous area, use your common sense and avoid it unless you have the necessary backup etc.

How to Deal With Crime
When dealing with crimes there is a certain order you need to act in. In short, here is the basic order of actions. However the actual order of actions may vary depending on the situation and you may need to change it e.g suspected someone with a gun so you would start it by searching them first

1) Assess the situation. Is it safe for you to resolve this yourself? 2) Approach them and let them know you are talking to them 3) If it's a big violation then immediately arrest them and continue questioning in jail. Otherwise, do it on the spot. 4) Get them to "Apply"*. The reason for this is to check the data sheet to see if they are wanted and also so you can update their data file. 5a) If they comply then update their data sheet normally on the spot and let them go. 5b) If they don't comply then arrest them and add the new violation accordingly, such as resisting arrest and continue questioning in jail 6) Make sure the data sheet is correct and if the person is jailed, you release them on time.

* Applying is the name given to the action of identification. If you ask someone to apply, expect them to tell you their name and CID. They must also use f2 after applying so you can recognise them.

If someone doesn't know how to apply, teach them how to apply! It is unfair and abusive to punish someone for not knowing how to play!

Data Files
Make sure you read this carefully as it is a fundamental part of being in the CPA. You may be wondering, what the hell are points? Points are part of the permanent date file and they count up and determine how criminal a particular citizen is. The data file is completely hand written so you need to be patient and thorough. You update the data file when criminal activity occurs.

When you check data, read their name at the top of the data sheet and make sure it matches their name!

Here is an example of a malcompliant citizen who, for this example, is seen running into a shop, punching the shopkeeper and then, upon searching, is found to also possess a medkit.

[in jail]
CPA-JURY.EpU.47053: Apply. <-- get his name [Scar on face, tall, old]: Robert Jones <-- now you recognise him and you can update his data file

/me viewdata robert <-- this is the command to view his data. Note you only need a partial name

A box will pop up and it may or may not have stuff on it already. Add on to the end of the file. This is all handwritten so it is a good idea to copy your name to your clipboard. This is the format I use personally, but it varies between people but the general idea must be given. The data file needs to have their CID in it at the top to prevent identity theft so if it isn't there, put it there.

Searching Buildings

At times you will have to search a building. You can search any building you want whenever you want as long as you have a reason, there is no privacy in HL2RP. However don't abuse this. It has its restrictions - Ingame time is the same as OOC time so don't, for example, search the same place 4 times in an hour. A more acceptable level would be 1 random search per building per day. Otherwise, make sure your reason is good.

The way you break into a door is you shoot the door handle. Don't just shoot through doors because they are locked though. You need to have a reason. Your reason could be you are searching for somebody seen in that area, or you have had a tip-off that drugs were located somewhere etc. Make sure you bring backup. The whole thing must be roleplayed and it is a bit silly to try and raid a drug den by yourself.

Searching People

This is a really complicated part and it can get quite confusing. Before you do any action that cannot be resisted ingame without rp, you must ROLL an example of this is as follows:

CPA-UNION.OfC47053 says "Face the wall." <-- Tying only works from the back CPA-UNION.OfC47053 attempts to tie Robert Jones <-- this is a /me action [LOOC] CPA-UNION.OfC47053 says "Resist?" <-- note I have given a LOOC chance to resist [LOOC] Robert Jones says "Yes." <-- You must know if he will resist or not. If he doesn't, continue normally CPA-UNION.OfC47053 rolls 100 <-- My roll Robert Jones rolls 1 <-- His roll

In this case I have won the roll and therefore I am allowed to tie him. If I lost the roll he is allowed to run for 5 seconds and I am not allowed to move. However, you must roll for every obstacle, so if I had another officer backing me up, Robert Jones would have to roll against him too.

Also note, if they are unconscious, obviously you do not have to roll to search them as they cannot resist.

Once you have tied someone, press f4 on them to search them.

Important Note: Make sure you untie someone after the search! Anybody can search a tied person and that person will probably not be very happy with you.

The radio command is in the directory and is given as /radio

First of all, before you start using your radio, you need to set the frequency of it to combine frequency. To do this, use:
/setfreq <the frequency number goes here>
If you don't do this, your radio experience will be a very lonely one!

Try not use the radio unless it is necessary or if you need to report something. There is no OOC option for radio so if you want to use radio OOC, just do "/radio //" and continue typing.

Important Note: Do not say the radio frequency out loud EVER as it can easily be stolen and the rebels will listen into it. Don't even say it in OOC. Whenever requesting the radio frequency or telling someone else the frequency, use /pm or tell it IC ( In a place where only the CPA can come).

Lockdowns are called when there is extreme civil unrest. This can be due to a combine dying, unidentified shots heard or simply punchwhoring, so you can restore order. During a lockdown, it helps if there is somebody who can use /dispatch chat . Lockdowns should be called by the highest rank online and if there are multiples of the same rank, they should be consulted before initiating a lockdown.

To start a lockdown, go to the lockdown room and push the button once. You will hear a dispatch voice and then klaxons which will sound throughout the entire city. To end the lockdown, push the button again and the klaxons will stop.

During a lockdown, all citizens should preferably be moved to the apartment complex in the plaza. The entire city should be searched and if anybody is found on the street, they should be detained and punished accordingly. There are different severities of lockdowns and you can allow shoot on sight, but only after a certain time has passed during the lockdown (preferably about 10 minutes).

Remember! when people respawn or connect to the server, They don't know there is a lockdown. You must give them a chance to move to the apartments and if they do not move directly to the apartments, use your common sense and either tell them to go there, jail them, or (if you know they intend on avoiding the lockdown, and it is a severe lockdown) you kill them if you have permission to do that.

Dealing With Rebels
When dealing with rebels, you MUST take into consideration that you cannot identify them as citizens. i.e If you know a citizen for example, "Robert Jones" and he is wearing a rebel uniform, you must rp that you do not know him! If he is in a uniform, you cannot recognise who he is unless he tells you, while wearing the uniform, or he takes it off. Rebels are an opportunity for some great rp, so don't waste it by blowing their heads off on sight.

If you are chasing a rebel and you lose sight of them, if you see them again without their uniform, you must rp the fact that you do not know they are a rebel! Unless it is blatantly obvious like they change uniform while you are looking at them or they run into a room and they are the only one in it (in which case you must search them anyway for the uniform). Use your common sense here and don't metagame.

If you see a rebel, it does not mean shoot on sight. If they shoot at you, shoot back though. If you amputate a rebel, he is removed from the rebels completely and when he respawns, he is a citizen and will have to re-apply for rebels. If you shoot him however, and cannot amputate him properly, he remains a rebel. They must be captured and amputated properly to remove them completely. However, it may be more beneficial to interrogate them and release them to gain their trust for inside knowledge or contraband. After all, a rebel without a gun is a safe rebel.

Ingame, there is a rank structure and the rank of someone is given as the last 3 letters of a person's name before their ID number, e.g CPA-JURY.EpU.47053
The rank is proprtional to your authority so you command everyone below you and you listen to everyone above you.

CP/OTA Note: Neither CP or OTA are superior to each other. They are two completely different organisations and they should not order each other around. Think of it like the police and the army. They are completely separate but they cooperate. If you are CP and you want OTA to do something, ask them, don't tell them (and vice versa). However, OTA should be given priority as they are the muscle of the combine, so if you are CP, try to listen to OTA as it is probably for an important purpose.

Civil Protection (CP) Ranks
In descending order: SeC, Sector Commander, Highest CP rank. Listen to him. He can use /dispatch chat. He controls the division leaders. Try to avoid contact with them. They do not do grunt work. DvL, Division Leader - Commands all the units in the DIVISION (explained later). He can use /dispatch chat. He is in control of ALL divisions. Try to avoid contact with them. They do not do grunt work. EpU, Elite protection Unit - They know what they are doing. Pay attention to them if you are learning. OfC, Officer Combine - Standard unit. And you got the 1,2,3 and 4 the first rank you will start with is RCT, Recruit - Rookie. New to the CPA and you take orders from everyone else, You can see the RCT as a Citizen in a CPA uniform: You still got Human behaviour left and you don't like to beat Citizen's up. (don't ask for promotions!)

Overwatch Transhuman Arm (OTA) Ranks
Note that transhuman means evolved beyond human. You are a human but you have been cybernetically modified but you AI is highly advanced so nobody can tell the difference between you and a human. All OTA can use /dispatch chat. If there are more members in your squad online, you must move together as a squad. Overwatch can execute a person at any time without arresting and without JURY. Executions count as amputations.

EOW, Overwatch Elite - You are much better equipped than the soldiers and it is your job to lead your squad and keep them fully equipped. You have a high authority and you can tell CP what to do as you are the occupying force, made in the combine's image. OWS, Overwatch Soldier - Grunt. You know how to shoot and take orders. If your elite squad leader is present, you should not give orders.

Divisions are the sections the CPA are divided into. None of the divisions are more important than the others and does not give you more authority than someone of the same rank and you should try to fit your role as best you can.

Final Note
Some of the things you encounter ingame will not be listed in here but I will try my best to update this to reduce the number of these cases, but if you run into problems, don't be scared to annoy another CPA unit with your questions. Just make sure you know what you are doing before you do it, And always listen to the Administrator and the other staff, If they say you can't do that then don't do it.( I had some help with this guide)

(For the Staff: Feel free to use this post for a Guide)

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