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 [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application

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[Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application Empty
PostSubject: [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application   [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:12 am

Steam name: EkimJT (For Steam Friends Request: Nightdiabloz)


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16416257


How long have you been with the community:
I've been with Prototype for what you could say not very long. However; I believe that I can enrich this fault, along with the server, with my possible capabilities.


Have you had past experience as a MPF:
Yes. I date back to release of TacoScript. I began on, and transferred to TnB. This timeframe was about 2 years. Since, I have been on and off different servers, a timeframe of about 3 years. As generic as this sounds; This is the truth, and I am not attempting to one-up myself above others.


Why do you want to join the Metropolice Force:
I believe that my capabilities and pros can heavily aid to my cause for Prototype; by enriching and creating role-play for other players who may join the server. I believe becoming a part of the MPF/CCA force on ANY server should be a heavy honor, rather a burden. I am assured of myself that I am capable of anything thrown at me, and I am also assured that I can perform above-satisfactorily.
I am expected to perform and assess a variety of things in the MPF. To contain situations, handle them, enforce socio-stability, and make the city an overall better place, performing the best to my full ability. I am expected to be given orders, and administer them as told to do so.
As a unit in the MPF, I am expected to act as serious, loyal, and professional as possible at all times. I am expected to do what I am told to do so, and swiftly. Knowledge, and professionalism is expected out of me, and is what I will show.


Character Back-story:

[Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application Diary

Mike was an average kid, who grew up in a suburban area, in the state of Ohio, just south of Cleveland. He was very intelligent, but kept his intellect latent from others. He slacked off at times, earning a few bad grades in school. He grew up with an older brother, Danny, and a younger sister, Sarah. He was very content with his life, loving every bit of it. He grew from a child to a young adult normally, like every other kid. As a teenager, he was somewhat an over-achiever. He preferred his social life over school usually, though. He lived a normal life, going from elementary, to middle, then to high school. But it all changed eventually, on one day in 2004...

Mike is in high school, his senior year. He never looked forward to this, because his first years of high school were the highlights of his life. As school is released, he walks home. He opens the front door, sitting on the couch, exhaling loudly, from his day of school. He turns on the T.V., and closes his eyes, falling asleep.

It is 10P.M. Mike wakes up on the couch, saliva on his cheek, the T.V. still turned on. His mother had not returned yet, but his siblings had, and they were asleep in their rooms. Mike gets up morosely, turns off the T.V., and walks up the stairs to his bedroom. He closes the door behind him, laying on his bed, no thoughts on his mind. He falls asleep rather quickly.

It is 3AM. Mike is once again, awoken. But not by himself, but by strange noises outside. He ignores them, and grouchily gets up, and opens the door. He notices that his brother and sister are gone from their rooms. He doesn’t remember seeing his mother come home, either. The noises continue, and grow in volume. He takes a look outside his window, and is astonished by the sights. Blue lights drifted across the sky, thunder and rain coming from the sky. He sees no one in the streets. But he sees other living beings. Strange and small four legged creatures, like small pale crabs, and skittering across the streets, as well as larger, green, four legged creatures, with no eyes, also skittering about, also inside houses. Most of them are on fire. No humans in sight, he feels empty, and cold, as if alone. Millions of thoughts, racing through his mind, in a fraction of a second. He realizes he’s alone, and no one can help him.

He runs out of his room, into his father’s old den downstairs. He smashes a window to the gun case, where seven shotguns lay, from his dad’s times when he went out hunting. He grabbed a short barreled black one, and opened a cabinet underneath. He grabbed two boxes, filled with shells, as he stuffed them in his pockets. He took out two shells, loading them both into each barrel of the shotgun. He stands still, pondering where he would go. He knew his suburban area is not the safest place to be. He decided, perhaps, maybe these creatures haven’t reached downtown yet? He cocks the shotgun, as he opens the back door, and runs through the woods.

Adrenaline pumping, he hops over trees and debris. He stops dead in his tracks, when a small pale creature is in front of him. He slowly aims the gun at it, and fires both shots. Yellow colored blood gushes from the creature’s wounds, as it falls, cold dead. He continues, exiting the woods, onto the highway.

He sees cars. Lots of cars. All abandoned. Not a soul in sight. Fire. Smoke. Everywhere. Visibility is low. He stops for a few moments, then continues onwards. Strangely, he encounters no creatures. No living thing is in sight. He figures he is out of range now, and possibly even safe from this invasion of unknown beings. He runs. Runs far away. He runs for miles on miles. He assures he’s on the right track, as overhead passes a sign, “CLEVELAND: 2 MILES AHEAD”.

He arrives at Cleveland, gazing at the tall skyscrapers. He sees tents upon tents, lining the streets. People. People at last. They are in ragged clothing, some injured. He assures himself he is no longer alone. He feels safety overcome him, as an unlikely soldier directs him to an empty tent. He walks into it, setting his shotgun on the floor, exhaling. He remembers he had not seen his siblings anywhere around. He exits his tent a few minutes afterwards, and a few seconds after walking out, spots an unlikely two people. His brother, and sister.

He greets them, hugging them both.
“Where have you been? How did you get here?”, he said.
“Oh, well, the neighbors Mary and Joseph got us beforehand. We left with them and headed down the highway, before our car broke down, we walked the rest of the way.”, said Danny.
“Thank god you’re alive.”, replied Mike.
“We’ve been staying with them since we got here, their very polite people, but we will move into your tent, if that’s alright of course.”, said Sarah.
“Of course.”, replied Mike.

There, surrounded by barbed fence and militia, Mike feels safe and happy, confined in the safe spot he lives, as the monsters furthermore destroy the rest of the world. He lives ordinarily, for years, until one day in 2010...

It is the year of 2010. Mike awakens from a nap one afternoon, seeing commotion in the streets. In the distance, he hears strange sounds. Gunships appear overhead, seconds later. They pass by overhead, and circle back around, landing on the ground. Strange troops appear from the ships, charging and overtaking the streets within seconds. The militia are shot on sight with weird weapons, and the civilians, including Mike and his siblings, are rounded up onto the ships. Mike gets on a different ship than his siblings, saying goodbye, and assuring them he would meet them again eventually. Mike falls asleep on board.

He is awoken when they landed. He gets off, and sees a train. A long, metal, funny looking train, one like he has ever seen before. They are rounded up onto the trains. Mike sits on the metal floor in a corner, thoughts racing in his head. What are these things? Where did they come from? All questions circling in his head, as he falls asleep, once again.

Finally, he arrives at a strange city somewhere unknown, signs and words calling it, “City 45.” As Mike gets off the train, he enters the station, filled with other people, and others in strange uniforms, masks, and creepy voices. Confusedly, he enters a line of people. Once he gets to the front, he signs a document. His name, and five numbers of his choosing, which would be used for his identification. He is handed a suitcase by this unknown person, as Mike walks out the door, into the plaza of the city.

He gazes up, looking at the Citadel in the distance, and the statue in the plaza, knowing this is a turning point for his life. He gets to his apartment, and sets his suitcase down. He lives in subtlety for about a year, until one day…

Mike is walking through the slums alone, taking a walk to get away from the boredom of his apartment. As he’s walking, he is jumped by a group of men, and one of them pulls out a blunt weapon. Mike is hit against the head with this, and falls to the floor, injured and in shock. The men beat him, and beat him, minutes upon minutes. On the verge of consciousness, he manages to look to the left, and sees three of the strange people he saw in the station, with glowing sticks, running towards the men. Two of them chase them, and one of them stops above Mike.

The officer reaches his hand down to Mike, and grabs it, bringing him to his feet. Mike gets up, panting and bleeding, and leans on the wall, thanking the officer. He is told to go back to his apartment, and rest.

Afterwards, Mike is walking home, bruised and beaten. He can’t stop thinking about how great it would be to be one of them, and help others, like that officer helped him in a great time of need. He passes a large billboard, glancing up, reading, “City Forty-Five. It’s safer here.” He makes a decision, a life goal. To become an officer of the Metropolitan that reside in the city. He passes a stack of papers, the one on top reading, “APPLICATIONS -- TAKE ONE ONLY.” He realizes he is in luck, and gladly grabs one, and heads up to his apartment with a pencil. He begins to write…

[Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application Filefolder


These are some codes and terms you will be using on a daily basis. Please fill them out:


Anti-citizen: A malicious or mal-compliant citizen, having revoke of natural citizenship status. Typically a wanted citizen.

Inject: To formally deploy into the specified area/hard-point. The Team Leader issues this order to the other units of the squad.

Malignant: An extremely mal-compliant citizen, assured of having revoked citizenship. Extremely dangerous and wanted.

Administer: To execute or run a given order, IE: Administer pacification.

Breach: To inject or deploy into a specified area, by breaching an obstacle(s)/door(s).

Stabilize: To clear an area of anti-civil infection, or restore socio-stability to a given area.

Amputate: An order given to execute or kill.


Role-play Examples:

Here is one of the most important parts of the application. In being accepted into the MPF, you will be required to be in a seemingly "Upper class" form of Role-play, which will require you to have elaborate and descriptive /me's and /it's. Here is where you will prove your Role-playing experience based on these three scenarios:


Scenario One:
You are at the ration terminal along with another recruit. Citizens come and go at a steady interval with little to report on.


** MPF-RCT.19718 leans against the wall slightly, shifting his body weight, paying little attention.

** MPF-RCT.22528 stays alert, watching a black man walk by the checkpoint. He stares with a somewhat awkward glare back.

** MPF-RCT.22528 looks over to his partner, realizing his laziness. "<:: You realize, our superiors wouldn't enjoy what you're doing right now."

** MPF-RCT.19718 looks to 225; sighing static out of his mask. "<:: I guess. I just find this job boring is all."

** MPF-RCT.22528 gives a slight nod to his partner. "<:: True, but you know we need to get this shit done, regardless..." He trails off.

** MPF-RCT.19718 gives a small laugh, however barely audible. "<:: Let's switch. You take the panel, I'll go block the point."

** MPF-RCT.22528 nods once again, switching side awkwardly. He notices a tall white male approaching the checkpoint, obviously looking somewhat uncomfortable.

** MPF-RCT.19718 watches the man approach, aware of his strange yet subtle behavior.

** The man stops in front of 225, his breath rapid. "Hello... My name is Jonathon Simpson..." He checks the inside of his jumpsuit at his ID. "41498, sir."

** MPF-RCT.22528 looks back to his partner, knowing that he realizes something is strange as well. He pulls out his data-pad, running the man's information through. It comes up as a clear match.

** Jonathon Simpson faces the fence to his right, aware of the upcoming procedure.

** MPF-RCT.19718 taps a few buttons on the panel, turning his attention away from his partner and the man momentarily, before looking up again at them.

** Jonathon shifts uncomfortably.

** MPF-RCT.22528 pulls out a tie from his Kevlar pouch, attempting to tie the man.

** Jonathon doesn't resist the tie.

** MPF-RCT.22528 pats him down, finding nothing of importance. Just a can of Breen Water is all.

** Jonathon moves a bit to the left awkwardly, uncomfortable of being searched.

** MPF-RCT.22528 looks to his partner. "<:: He's clean."

** MPF-RCT.19718 nods, putting it down into the panel.

** Jonathon Edwards passes 225 awkwardly, exiting the train station.

** MPF-RCT.22528 leans against the fence, near his partner, watching a small black woman approach the checkpoint.


Scenario Two:

You are the sole recruit in stasis and a citizen applies his Citizen Identification Digits. Upon reading the Citizen's data you realize his record states, "Search on sight." How will you react to the situation? *Please provide at least 10 /me's for each character.


(This scenario was somewhat unclear, to the 'stasis' keyword. Does that imply I'm 10-7? I don't understand. I'll just assume I am searching a man and have his record while I'm 10-8.)

** MPF-RCT.22528 leans against the wall, giving himself a quick break.

** MPF-RCT.22528 shifts his weight, rolling his shoulders. He takes a deep breath in.

** MPF-RCT.22528 notices a man sprinting by at a disallowed speed, carefully watching him.

** The anonymous man stops, taking a deep breath, panting.

** MPF-RCT.22528 gets up off the wall, exhaling, he checks his baton is in place.

** The man looks around, seeming to have been running from something.

** MPF-RCT.22528 begins walking towards the man, his hand on his baton.

** The man is still heavily panting, clearly out of shape and malnourished. He seems to still be unaware of the approaching RCT.

** MPF-RCT.22528 approaches him closely, tapping him on the back with his de-active baton. "<:: What's your deal?"

** The man is suddenly startled, realizing the RCT to his left side.

** MPF-RCT.22528 notices his abnormal behavior. He radios in. "<:: RCT 225; 10-20 is plaza. Abnormal behavior from man. Request search permission."

** MPF-RCT.22528 waits, as a response is given by a nearby OfC unit. "<:: Affirmative. Report afterwards."

** MPF-RCT.22528 replies. "<:: 10-4; sir."

** The man gets up, after a good five minutes of heavily breathing.

** MPF-RCT.22528 taps him on the back again. "<:: I need you to get against the wall over there." He points to a wall to their right.

** The man hesitates, before walking towards it slowly.

** MPF-RCT.22528 notices him walking very slowly, along with his hesitation.

** The man falls half-way there, and gets up. He has a limp on his left leg.

** MPF-RCT.22528 stands there, watching awkwardly, noticing his limp now. He follows behind.

** The man throws himself against the wall, weary.

** MPF-RCT.22528 gets behind him. "<:: Apply."

** The man says, "Arick Smith, 49108."

** MPF-RCT.22528 pulls out his data-pad, looking it up. He looks around while it searches his records.

** Arick begins to breath heavily again, slumping down the wall.

** MPF-RCT.22528 looks back down to his data-pad, noticing the alert to search on sight.

** MPF-RCT.22528 pulls out a tie, attempting to tie the man.

** Arick doesn't hesitate to resist, as he is extremely worn out.

** MPF-RCT.22528 ties him, patting him down. He finds nothing of interest. He radios in. "<:: RCT 225; 10-20 is Plaza. 10-29, nothing. Orders?"

** Arick picks himself up, straightening his back.

** MPF-RCT.22528 receives a response from the OfC. "<:: Stay put; On route."

** Arick hears this response, sighing to himself, knowing he's in trouble.

** The OfC comes, grabbing the man, taking him away from 225.

** MPF-RCT.22528 watches, before continuing his 10-50 cycle.


Scenario Three:

You are now at the rank of 04, you are on a standard patrol of a Union authorized zone when you come under fire from an unknown source. You have to react quickly and any false move could mean life or death. *Please provide at least 10 /me's and 10 /it's.


** MPF-04.22528 walks along the sidewalk, weary of the constant 10-50.

** MPF-04.22528 reports over his radio. "<:: 04 225; 10-20 is D2, status is green."

** MPF-04.22528 continues to walk down the street, when he suddenly hears a sound, as if a bomb going off nearby. He is skimmed by a 9MM bullet on the side of his mask.

** MPF-04.22528 quickly snaps back into reality, jolted. He dives behind a nearby concrete barrier, blocking the enemy's view.

** MPF-04.22528 radios in. "<:: 04 225; 10-20 is D2, 11-99. Status is red. Taking fire."

** MPF-04.22528 crawls to the left, peering out. He sees a lone man atop on a bridge, holding a small sized weapon, likely a pistol.

** MPF-04.22528 continues to watch, grabbing his own pistol, checking the chamber and ammo. He flicks the safety off.

** MPF-04.22528 watches the man quickly turn around. The 04 dashes from cover, to a closer nearby wall.

** The malignant is unaware of the change of location, still watching the barrier.

** MPF-04.22528 holds his pistol, his mind racing with thoughts. He peers out from the wall, looking at the man.

** The malignant pulls out a small, rusty tube. He pulls a pin, chucking it behind the barrier. It explodes. He assures himself that he has killed the unit, turning his attention away.

** MPF-04.22528 waits for him to look a different direction, before sprinting through open area, to the nearby stairway.

** MPF-04.22528 looks up the stairway, his pistol aimed at the top, crouched, hugging the wall. He approaches the top.

** MPF-04.22528 peers from the staircase, through the busted open door. He sees the malignant carelessly looking about, assured he has taken a life.

** MPF-04.22528 reports over his radio. "<:: 04 225; 10-20 is D2 staircase to overhead bridge. Malignant is in same 10-20. Armed with a pistol and possibly more."

** MPF-04.22528 waits for a response, hearing, "<:: 10-4; 04. Approach and amputate. 10-0."

** MPF-04.22528 reports, "<:: 10-4. Administering."

** MPF-04.22528 quietly summersaults to the other side of the door, peering from the window. He checks the chamber of his pistol again, aiming out the side of the door.

** The malignant watches citizens walk by below. He looks down, checking his weapon.

** MPF-04.22528 looks directly down his iron sight, taking a deep breath. He stops breathing, pulling the trigger. He fires a single bullet.

** The bullet flies from the barrel, hitting the malignant in the jugular. He falls to the floor, dead before he hits it.

** MPF-04.22528 exhales, watching the man for a few more moments, before approaching, his gun aimed at the lifeless body. He reports, "04 225; Malignant deceased. 10-20 is D2 bridge."
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Age : 29
Location : The Netherlands

[Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application   [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:20 am

+ Support Nice application, And nice Pictures you got there,We can use somebody like you into the Metro Police Force

Here's your badge Recruit!
[Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application 2vhub6g
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[Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application   [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:32 am

+Support amazing application.
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[Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application   [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application EmptySun Oct 02, 2011 9:19 pm

Great Application, i wanna see you in the force!

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PostSubject: Re: [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application   [Accepted]Mike Valentino's Metro Politician Force Application Empty

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