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 Luke Andersons MPF Application

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Luke Andersons MPF Application Empty
PostSubject: Luke Andersons MPF Application   Luke Andersons MPF Application EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 12:34 am

Subject: Lukes MPF Application Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:29 am
Steam name: The Warrior From Hell

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30281318

How long have you been with the community? I have not been with this roleplaying community for a long time but i look forward to doing more roleplaying with it!

Have you had past experience as a M.P.F before? No but if i have the oppurtuinity to learn how to become one i would definalty say yes to it

Why do you want to join the Metropolice Force? To make roleplaying seem fun actually like when your a person in half life 2 because i know i would like to feel that way in a video game. I think i am capable of having the job of civil protection. I have seen other people that are bored of being cp or rebel but it would be a honor for me to become one. I think that people underestimate the civil protection sometimes too.

Character Backstory: Luke Anderson Was a normal kid. Until his senior year of highschool. In his senior year he was a bit down because all his friends were moving and he still had to live with his parents. He went home to hug his parents and greet them. But none of his sisters or brothers were home. He didnt know why his brother Jason Anderson and his sister Jenny Anderson Were not home. Obviously lukes parents were not home because they were doing work but his brother and sister were probbably off at the arcade. He went to check the arcade but he noticed that the streets were deserted. As he was walking along the street he saw a huge black portal appear in the sky. Some helicopter came down and started shooting people. People in masks came off the helicopters and shot us. I ran to a car and jacked it. I drove away watching the last of the people outside die. I came across a town while i was driving. I saw people walking in and men with guns. I got out of my car and walked in too. We were attacked for a long time but after a long time we lost. Some of the survivors were forced onto ships if they were unarmed. The armed people were shot just as the people at my hometown had been. They forced us onto the train so of course we did because we were unarmed. Once i got on the train i walked around a corner and found a seat. I fell asleep after a while. When i woke up i was in a jumpsuit with the number 02143 on it. I had a suitcase so i checked inside it. I found some type of token in it. I walked off the train and into a city called city 45. I stayed there for several years having no idea what was going on. One day i saw a few people walking towards me and i stood there. They ran to me and mugged me stealing whatever items i had. I vowed to join the civil protection So things like that would never happen to people again.

These are some codes and terms you will be using on a daily basis. Please fill them out:

Anti-citizen: A Person who refuses to obey the laws of the city
Inject: To deploy into a specified area
Malignant: An extremely dangerous and wanted citizen
Administer: To Run a given order by your superiors
Breach: To inject into a area by overcoming obstacles
Stabilize: To get rid of any anti-civil things in one area
Amputate: A order that is given to kill a person

RolePlay examples:
Here is one of the most important parts of the application. In being accepted into the MPF, you will be required to be in a seemingly "Upper class" form of RolePlay, which will require you to have elaborate and descriptive /me's and /it's. Here is where you will prove your RolePlaying experience based on these three scenarios:

Scenario one: (Passive) You are at the ration terminal along with another recruit. Citizens come and go at a steady interval with little to report on. *Please provide at least 10 /me?s for both recruits.
**MPF-RCT.09412 Stares at a woman retrieving a ration from the ration terminal.
**MPF-RCT.02143 Watchs the ration terminal Looking for any sign of abnormal activity
**MPF-RCT.09412 Starts to dose off
**MPF-RCT.09412 Falls onto a nearby fence.
**MPF-RCT.02143 Helps 9412 Up
**MPF-RCT.02143 "You realize that dozing off isn't helping one bit
**MPF-RCT.09412 Laughs at 2143
**MPF-RCT.09412 Dozes off again
**MPF-RCT.02143 Curses under his breath
**MPF-RCT.09412 Hears 2143 and starts to get up
**MPF-RCT.02143 "You really should pay more attention"
**MPF-RCT.02143 Looks back at the ration stand and sees a man taking multiple rations
**MPF-RCT.02143 Tells the man to get on the wall
**MPF-RCT.02143 Attempts to Tie the man
**Jason Johnson Resists
**MPF-RCT.02143 Ties the man
**MPF-RCT.02143 Tells the man to apply
**Jason Johnson "Jason Johnson 15082
**Jason Johnson Slowly Starts to move away
**MPF-RCT.02143 Pushes the man onto the wall and attempts to search him
**Jason Johnson Resists 2143
**MPF-RCT.02143 Holds the man to the wall and searches him
**MPF-RCT.02143 Searches the man and finds five rations and a breen water
**MPF-RCT.02143 Takes four of the rations and tells the man to leave
**Jason Johnson Doesnt Leave
**MPF-RCT.02143 Pushes the man away
**Jason Johnson Walks Back to 2143
**MPF-RCT.02143 Hits the man with his stick
**Jason Johnson Quickly Walks away
**MPF-RCT.02143 Watchs Jason Walk away
**Jason Johnson Hides behind a corner watching the cp
**MPF-RCT.02143 Walks up to the corner
**Jason Johnson Runs away thinking he can get out of trouble
**MPF-RCT.02143 Sees the man run out of his sight
**MPF-RCT.02143 Returns to his position and continues to look for trouble

Scenario two: You are the sole recruit in stasis and a citizen applies his Citizen Identification Digits. Upon reading the citizen?s data you realize his record states, "Search on sight." How will you react to the situation? *Please provide at least 10 /me's for each character.
**MPF-RCT.02143 Leans against a pole
**MPF-RCT.02143 Sees a man running away from another civil protection
**MPF-RCT.02143 Sees the cp looking around for the man
**Jacob Wong Stops for a breath
**MPF-RCT.02143 Walks up to Jacob Wong
**MPF-RCT.02143 Tells the man to get on the wall
**Jacob Wong Slowly to the wall
**MPF-RCT.02143 Trys to tie Jacob Wong
**Jacob Wong Doesnt resist
**MPF-RCT.02143 tells the man to apply
**Jacob Wong "Jacob Wong 87092"
**MPF-RCT.02143 Sees the search on sight warning
**MPF-RCT.02143 Radios in " 87092 search on sight orders?
**MPF-RCT.O2143 Hears in the radio "Stay There"
**Jacob Wong Hears the radio seeing that hes in trouble
**Jacob Wong Watchs a man walk up to him and attempt to bring him
**Jacob Wong doesn't resist because he is tied
**MPF-RCT.02143 Watches the man forcefully be brought away and returns to his position
**MPF-RCT.02143 Looks for any sign of further trouble

Scenario three: You are now at the rank of 04, you are on a standard patrol of a Union authorized zone when you come under fire from an unknown source. You have to react quickly and any false move could mean life or death. *Please provide at least 10 /me's and 10 /it's.
**MPF-04.02143 Looks around for any trouble
**MPF-04.02143 Watches a man jump onto a roof
**MPF-04.02143 Sees the man jump under something on top of the roof
**Unknown Takes out a gun and starts to shoot 2143
**MPF-04.02143 Jumps behind a concrete barrier
**Unknown Reaches into a suitcase
**Unknown Takes out what looks like a pipe bomb
**Unknown throws the pipe bomb at the barrier
**MPF-04.02143 Sprints out of the explosion still looking at the citizen
**Unknown Stays there for a second and then walks away
**Unknown Takes out his pistol and returns fire at another civil protection
**MPF-04.02143 Radios in for what to do
**MPF-04.02143 Hears in the radio Amputate
**MPF-04.02143 Approaches behind the citizen
**Unknown Hears the footsteps and turns around
**MPF-04.02143 Shoots the man in the head
**Unknown Falls to the floor

Last edited by Whoneedspacee on Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:34 am; edited 3 times in total
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Join date : 2011-10-02
Age : 29
Location : The Netherlands

Luke Andersons MPF Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luke Andersons MPF Application   Luke Andersons MPF Application EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 1:51 am

Pretty short backstory and it isn't that right ( the 7-Hour war happend on a different way) Maybe make it a bit longer, On the other part a ''Good'' application.

Not giving a Support yet

Luke Andersons MPF Application Dvhlbk
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Luke Andersons MPF Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luke Andersons MPF Application   Luke Andersons MPF Application EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 6:05 am


Last edited by Bizerco on Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2011-09-30

Luke Andersons MPF Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luke Andersons MPF Application   Luke Andersons MPF Application EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 1:24 pm

I agree but he has potential so

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Luke Andersons MPF Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luke Andersons MPF Application   Luke Andersons MPF Application EmptySun Oct 09, 2011 10:14 am

+support Very Happy
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Luke Andersons MPF Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luke Andersons MPF Application   Luke Andersons MPF Application EmptyTue Oct 18, 2011 7:26 am

I read it again..And I gues you get that thing about the 7-Hour war.. So:

You get my + Support
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Luke Andersons MPF Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luke Andersons MPF Application   Luke Andersons MPF Application EmptyTue Oct 18, 2011 9:55 am

He should pass he's got 4 supports jake come ovar here *you can hear me yelling* YA YOU BETTER DO THAT*jake no offence XD
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Luke Andersons MPF Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luke Andersons MPF Application   Luke Andersons MPF Application EmptyThu Oct 20, 2011 1:27 am

Mac steamed me a few days ago because of his lack of being and non roleplay.

App Denied.
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Luke Andersons MPF Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luke Andersons MPF Application   Luke Andersons MPF Application Empty

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